The AWS Machine Learning Research Awards (MLRA) provides unrestricted cash funds and AWS Promotional Credits to academics to advance the frontiers of machine learning (ML) and its applications. MLRA is pleased to announce recipients for its 2019 Q2/Q3 call-for-proposal cycles:
Recipient | University | Research title |
David C. Parkes | Harvard University | Deep Learning Framework for Optimal Economic Design |
Fei Liu | University of Central Florida | Meeting Browsing with Multiple Granularities: Automatic Summarization and Keyphrase Extraction |
Jeffrey Liu | Massachusetts Institute of Technology | Integrating the Low Altitude Disaster Imagery (LADI) Dataset into the MIT Beaver Works Curriculum |
Joseph F. Coughlin | Massachusetts Institute of Technology | Semi-automated Eye Glance Annotation and Classification using AWS Enabled Tools |
Karen Livescu | Toyota Technological Institute at Chicago | Multilingual Acoustic-Semantic Embeddings of Spoken Language |
Katherine E. Battle and Andre Python | University of Oxford | A Bayesian Reinforcement Learning Algorithm to Predict the Risk of Malaria in Low-endemicity Context |
Michael Mahoney | University of California Berkeley | Efficient Neural Networks through Systematic Quantization |
Mohit Bansal | University of North Carolina Chapel Hill | Auto-Adversarial Training to Make Dialogue Systems Robust to Human Errors |
Philip Resnik | University of Maryland | Machine Learning for Mental Health in a Secure AWS Data Enclave |
Roghayeh (Leila) Barmaki | University of Delaware | Applied Machine Learning for Social Development of Children with Autism |
Scott Loarie | iNaturalist | Learning a Training Dataset for Large-scale Classification |
Stefano Ermon | Stanford University | Detecting and Handling Anomalies with Robust Machine Learning Systems |
Yong Jae Lee | University of California Davis | Real-time Object Instance Segmentation |
Congratulations to these researchers and we look forward to supporting their research!
MLRA is now funded though the Amazon Research Awards (ARA) program. Please see the AWS AI call for proposal for more information.