- al_demo_prime_pantry.ipynb povides a notebook template to run oracle-labeled active learning experiments on a small-scale dataset.
- al_demo_nq.ipynb provides oracle-labeled experiments on the larger-scale natural questions dataset.
The only change between the two notebooks is DATA_NAME="nq" in the configuration line. One may also change it to DATA_NAME="msmarco" for the larger-scale MS-MARCO oracle-labeled experiments.
Crowd-sourcing experiments are run by calling scripts/, scripts/, scripts/ sequentially for each batch of the labeling tasks. Human feedback is provided between al_0_rank and al_1_em by uploading request_perm.csv and downloading human_response.csv in the same data-step folder.
All experiments are conducted using NVidia A10G GPU machines with 4-GPU parallelization. Runtime is usually less than 3 hours per active learning step. Human tasks are usually completed under 45 minutes.