Vancouver, Canada

3 important themes from Amazon's 2019 NeurIPS papers

Time series forecasting, bandit problems, and optimization are integral to Amazon's efforts to deliver better value for its customers.

Last year, the first 2,000-2,500 publicly released tickets to the Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems, or NeurIPS, sold out in 12 minutes.

This year, the conference organizers moved to a lottery system, allowing aspiring attendees to register in advance and randomly selecting invitees from the pool of registrants. But they also bumped the number of public-release tickets up from around 2,000 to 3,500, testifying to the conference’s continued popularity.

At NeurIPS this year, there are 26 papers with Amazon coauthors. They cover a wide range of topics, but surveying their titles, Alex Smola, a vice president and distinguished scientist in the Amazon Web Services organization, discerns three prominent themes, all tied to Amazon’s efforts to deliver better value for its customers.

Those three themes are time series forecasting (and causality), bandit problems, and optimization.

1. Time series forecasting

Time series forecasting involves measuring some quantity over time — such as the number of deliveries in a particular region in the past six months, or the number of cloud servers required to support a particular site over the past two years — and attempting to project that quantity into the future.

“That’s something that is very dear to Amazon’s heart,” Smola says. “For anything that Amazon does, it’s really beneficial to have a good estimate of what our customers will expect from us ahead of time. Only by being able to do that will we be able to satisfy customers’ demands, be it for products or services.”

A sequence of basis time series, forecast into the near future and summed together to approximate a new time series.
The paper “Think Globally, Act Locally” examines data sets with many correlated time series, such as the demand curves for millions of products sold online. The researchers describe a method for constructing a much smaller set of “basis time series”; the time series for any given product can be approximated by a weighted sum of the bases.
Courtesy of the researchers

The basic mathematical framework for time series forecasting is a century old, but the scale of modern forecasting problems calls for new analytic techniques, Smola says.

“Problems are nowadays highly multivariate,” Smola says. “If you look at the many millions of products that we offer, you want to be able to predict fairly well what will sell, where and to whom.

“You need to make reasonable assumptions on how this very large problem can be decomposed into smaller, more tractable pieces. You make structural approximations, and sometimes those structural approximations are what leads to very different algorithms.

“So you might, for instance, have a global model, and then you have local models that address the specific items or address the specific sales. If you look at ‘Think Globally, Act Locally’” — a NeurIPS paper whose first author is Rajat Sen, an applied scientist in the Amazon Search group — “it’s already in the title. Or look at ‘High-Dimensional Multivariate Forecasting with Low-Rank Gaussian Copula Processes’. In this case, you have a global structure, but it’s only in a small subspace where interesting things happen.”

Side-by-side images depict correlations between taxi traffic at different points in Manhattan at different times of day
The paper "High-Dimensional Multivariate Forecasting with Low-Rank Gaussian Copula Processes" describes a method for predicting correlations among many parallel time series. In one example, the researchers forecast correlations between the taxi traffic at different points in New York City at different times of day. Red lines indicate strong correlations; blue lines indicate strong negative correlations. Weekend midday traffic patterns (left) show negative correlations between locations near the Empire State Building, suggesting that taxis tend to prefer different routes depending on traffic conditions. Weekend evening traffic patterns show positive correlations between the vicinity of the Empire State Building and areas with high concentrations of hotels.
Courtesy of the researchers

An aspect of forecasting that has recently been drawing more attention, Smola says, is causality. Where traditional machine learning models merely infer statistical correlations between data points, “it is ultimately the causal relationship that matters,” Smola says.

“I think that causality is one of the most interesting conceptual developments affecting modern machine learning,” says Bernhard Schölkopf, like Smola a vice president and distinguished scientist in Amazon Web Services. “This is the main topic that I have been interested in for the last decade.”

Two of Schölkopf’s NeurIPS papers — “Perceiving the Arrow of Time in Autoregressive Motion” and “Selecting Causal Brain Features with a Single Conditional Independence Test per Feature” — address questions of causality, as does “Causal Regularization”, a paper by Dominik Janzing, a senior research scientist in Smola’s group.

“Normal machine learning builds on correlations of other statistical dependences,” Schölkopf explains. “This is fine as long as the source of the data doesn't change. For example, if in the training set of an image recognition system, all cows are standing on green pasture, then it is fine for an ML system to use the green as a useful feature in recognizing cows, as long as the test set looks the same. If in the test set, the cows are standing on the beach, then such a purely statistical system can fail.

“More generally: causal learning and inference attempts to understand how systems respond to interventions and other changes, and not just how to predict data that looks more or less the same as the training data.”

2. Bandit problems

The second major theme that Smola discerns in Amazon scientists’ NeurIPS papers is a concern with bandit problems, a phrase that shows up in the titles of Amazon papers such as “MaxGap Bandit: Adaptive Algorithms for Approximate Ranking” and “Low-Rank Bandit Methods for High-Dimensional Dynamic Pricing”. Bandit problems take their name from one-armed bandits, or slot machines.

“It used to be that those bandits were all mechanical, so there would be slight variations between them, and some would have maybe a slightly a higher return than others,” Smola explains. “I walk into a den of iniquity, and I want to find the one-armed bandit where I will lose the least money or maybe make some money. And the only feedback I have is that I pull arms, and I get money or lose money. These are very unreliable, noisy events.”

Bandit problems present what’s known as an explore-exploit trade-off. The gambler must simultaneously explore the environment — determine which machines pay out the most — and exploit the resulting knowledge — concentrate as much money as possible on the high-return machines. Early work on bandit problems concerned identifying the high-return machines with minimal outlays.

“That problem was solved about 20 years ago,” Smola says. “What hasn’t been solved — and this is where things get a lot more interesting — is once you start adding context. Imagine that I get to show you various results as you’re searching for your next ugly Christmas sweater. The unfortunate thing is that the creativity of sweater designers is larger than what you can fit on a page. Now the context is essentially, what time, where from, which user, all those things. We want to find and recommend the ugly Christmas sweater that works specifically for you. This is an example where context is immediately relevant.”

It’s really beneficial to have a good estimate of what our customers will expect from us ahead of time. Only by being able to do that will we be able to satisfy customers’ demands.
Alex Smola, VP and distinguished scientist, Amazon

In the bandit-problem framework, in other words, the high-payout machines change with every new interaction. But there may be external signals that indicate how they’re changing.

Distributed computing, which is inescapable for today’s large websites, changes the structure of the bandit problem, too.

“Say you go to a restaurant, and the cook wants to improve the menu,” Smola says. “You can try out lots of new menu items, and that’s a good way to improve the menu overall. But if you start offering a lot of undercooked dishes because you’re experimenting, then at some point your loyal customers will stay away.

“Now imagine you have 100 restaurants, and they all do the same thing at the same time. They can’t necessarily communicate at the per-second level; maybe every day or every week they chat with each other. Now this entire exploration problem becomes a little more challenging, because if two restaurants try out the same undercooked dish, you make the customer less happy than you could have.

“So how does this map back into Amazon land? Well, if you have many servers doing this recommendation, the explore-exploit trade-off might be too aggressive if every one of them works on their own.”

3. Optimization

Finally, Smola says, “There is a third category of results that has to do with making algorithms faster. If you look at ‘Primal-Dual Block Frank-Wolfe’, ‘Communication-Efficient Distributed SGD with Sketching’, ‘Qsparse-Local-SGD’ — those are the workhorses that run underneath all of this. Making them more efficient is obviously something that we care about, so we can respond to customer requests faster, train algorithms faster.”

Bird’s-eye view

NeurIPS is a huge conference, with more than 1,400 accepted papers that cover a bewildering variety of topics. Beyond the Amazon papers, Caltech professor and Amazon fellow Pietro Perona identifies three research areas as growing in popularity.

“One is understanding how deep networks work, so that we can better design architectures and optimization algorithms to train models,” Perona says. “Another is low-shot learning. Machines are still much less efficient than humans at learning, in that they need more training examples to achieve the same performance. And finally, AI and society — identifying opportunities for social good, sustainable development, and the like.”

NeurIPS is being held this year at the Vancouver Convention Center, and the main conference runs from Dec. 8 to Dec. 12. The Women in Machine Learning Workshop, for which Amazon is a gold-level sponsor, takes place on Dec. 9; the Third Conversational AI workshop, whose organizers include Alexa AI principal scientist Dilek Hakkani-Tür, will be held on Dec. 14.

Amazon's involvement at NeurIPS

Paper and presentation schedule

Tuesday, 12/10 | 10:45-12:45pm | East Exhibition Hall B&C

A Meta-MDP Approach to Exploration for Lifelong Reinforcement Learning | #192
Francisco Garcia (UMass Amherst/Amazon) · Philip Thomas (UMass Amherst)

Blocking Bandits | #17
Soumya Basu (UT Austin) · Rajat Sen (UT Austin/Amazon) · Sujay Sanghavi (UT Austin/Amazon) · Sanjay Shakkottai (UT Austin)

Causal Regularization | #180
Dominik Janzing (Amazon)

Communication-Efficient Distributed SGD with Sketching | #81
Nikita Ivkin (Amazon) · Daniel Rothchild (University of California, Berkeley) · Md Enayat Ullah (Johns Hopkins University) · Vladimir Braverman (Johns Hopkins University) · Ion Stoica (UC Berkeley) · Raman Arora (Johns Hopkins University)

Learning Distributions Generated by One-Layer ReLU Networks | #49
Shanshan Wu (UT Austin) ·Alexandros G. Dimakis (UT Austin) · Sujay Sanghavi (UT Austin/Amazon)

Tuesday, 12/10 | 5:30-7:30pm | East Exhibition Hall B&C

Efficient Communication in Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning via Variance Based Control | #195
Sai Qian Zhang (Harvard University) · Qi Zhang (Amazon) · Jieyu Lin (University of Toronto)

Extreme Classification in Log Memory using Count-Min Sketch: A Case Study of Amazon Search with 50M Products | #37
Tharun Kumar Reddy Medini (Rice University) · Qixuan Huang (Rice University) · Yiqiu Wang (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) · Vijai Mohan (Amazon) · Anshumali Shrivastava (Rice University/Amazon)

Iterative Least Trimmed Squares for Mixed Linear Regression | #50
Yanyao Shen (UT Austin) · Sujay Sanghavi (UT Austin/Amazon)

Meta-Surrogate Benchmarking for Hyperparameter Optimization | #6
Aaron Klein (Amazon) · Zhenwen Dai (Spotify) · Frank Hutter (University of Freiburg) · Neil Lawrence (University of Cambridge) · Javier Gonzalez (Amazon)

Qsparse-local-SGD: Distributed SGD with Quantization, Sparsification and Local Computations | #32
Debraj Basu (Adobe) · Deepesh Data (UCLA) · Can Karakus (Amazon) · Suhas Diggavi (UCLA)

Selecting Causal Brain Features with a Single Conditional Independence Test per Feature | #139
Atalanti Mastakouri (Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems) · Bernhard Schölkopf (MPI for Intelligent Systems/Amazon) · Dominik Janzing (Amazon)

Wednesday, 12/11 | 10:45-12:45pm | East Exhibition Hall B&C

On Single Source Robustness in Deep Fusion Models | #93
Taewan Kim (Amazon) · Joydeep Ghosh (UT Austin)

Perceiving the Arrow of Time in Autoregressive Motion | #155
Kristof Meding (University Tübingen) · Dominik Janzing (Amazon) · Bernhard Schölkopf (MPI for Intelligent Systems/Amazon) · Felix A. Wichmann (University of Tübingen)

Wednesday, 12/11 | 5:00-7:00pm | East Exhibition Hall B&C

Compositional De-Attention Networks | #127
Yi Tay (Nanyang Technological University) · Anh Tuan Luu (MIT) · Aston Zhang (Amazon) · Shuohang Wang (Singapore Management University) · Siu Cheung Hui (Nanyang Technological University)

Low-Rank Bandit Methods for High-Dimensional Dynamic Pricing | #3
Jonas Mueller (Amazon) · Vasilis Syrgkanis (Microsoft Research) · Matt Taddy (Amazon)

MaxGap Bandit: Adaptive Algorithms for Approximate Ranking | #4
Sumeet Katariya (Amazon/University of Wisconsin-Madison) · Ardhendu Tripathy (UW Madison) · Robert Nowak (UW Madison)

Primal-Dual Block Generalized Frank-Wolfe | #165
Qi Lei (UT Austin) · Jiacheng Zhuo (UT Austin) · Constantine Caramanis (UT Austin) · Inderjit S Dhillon (Amazon/UT Austin) · Alexandros Dimakis (UT Austin)

Towards Optimal Off-Policy Evaluation for Reinforcement Learning with Marginalized Importance Sampling | #208
Tengyang Xie (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign) · Yifei Ma (Amazon) · Yu-Xiang Wang (UC Santa Barbara)

Thursday, 12/12 | 10:45-12:45pm | East Exhibition Hall B&C

AutoAssist: A Framework to Accelerate Training of Deep Neural Networks | #155
Jiong Zhang (UT Austin) · Hsiang-Fu Yu (Amazon) · Inderjit S Dhillon (UT Austin/Amazon)

Exponentially Convergent Stochastic k-PCA without Variance Reduction | #200 (oral, 10:05-10:20 W Ballroom C)
Cheng Tang (Amazon)

Failing Loudly: An Empirical Study of Methods for Detecting Dataset Shift | #54
Stephan Rabanser (Technical University of Munich/Amazon) · Stephan Günnemann (Technical University of Munich) · Zachary Lipton (Carnegie Mellon University/Amazon)

High-Dimensional Multivariate Forecasting with Low-Rank Gaussian Copula Processes | #107
David Salinas (Naverlabs) · Michael Bohlke-Schneider (Amazon) · Laurent Callot (Amazon) · Jan Gasthaus (Amazon) · Roberto Medico (Ghent University)

Learning Search Spaces for Bayesian Optimization: Another View of Hyperparameter Transfer Learning | #30
Valerio Perrone (Amazon) · Huibin Shen (Amazon) · Matthias Seeger (Amazon) · Cedric Archambeau (Amazon) · Rodolphe Jenatton (Amazon)

Mo’States Mo’Problems: Emergency Stop Mechanisms from Observation | #227
Samuel Ainsworth (University of Washington) · Matt Barnes (University of Washington) · Siddhartha Srinivasa (University of Washington/Amazon)

Think Globally, Act Locally: A Deep Neural Network Approach to High-Dimensional Time Series Forecasting | #113
Rajat Sen (Amazon) · Hsiang-Fu Yu (Amazon) · Inderjit S Dhillon (UT Austin/Amazon)

Thursday, 12/12 | 5:00-7:00pm | East Exhibition Hall B&C

Dynamic Local Regret for Non-Convex Online Forecasting | #20
Sergul Aydore (Stevens Institute of Technology) · Tianhao Zhu (Stevens Institute of Technology) · Dean Foster (Amazon)

Interaction Hard Thresholding: Consistent Sparse Quadratic Regression in Sub-quadratic Time and Space | #47
Suo Yang (UT Austin), Yanyao Shen (UT Austin), Sujay Sanghavi (UT Austin/Amazon)

Inverting Deep Generative Models, One Layer at a Time |#48
Qi Lei (University of Texas at Austin) · Ajil Jalal (UT Austin) · Inderjit S Dhillon (UT Austin/Amazon) · Alexandros Dimakis (UT Austin)

Provable Non-linear Inductive Matrix Completion| #215
Kai Zhong (Amazon) · Zhao Song (UT Austin) · Prateek Jain (Microsoft Research) · Inderjit S Dhillon (UT Austin/Amazon)

Amazon researchers on NeurIPS committees and boards

  • Bernhard Schölkopf – Advisory Board
  • Michael I. Jordan – Advisory Board
  • Thorsten Joachims – senior area chair
  • Anshumali Shrivastava – area chair
  • Cedric Archambeau – area chair
  • Peter Gehler – area chair
  • Sujay Sanghavi – committee member


Learning with Rich Experience: Integration of Learning Paradigms

Paper: "Meta-Q-Learning" | Rasool Fakoor, Pratik Chaudhari, Stefano Soatto, Alexander J. Smola

Human-Centric Machine Learning

Paper: "Learning Fair and Transferable Representations" | Luco Oneto, Michele Donini, Andreas Maurer, Massimiliano Pontil

Bayesian Deep Learning

Paper: "Online Bayesian Learning for E-Commerce Query Reformulation" | Gaurush Hiranandani, Sumeet Katariya, Nikhil Rao, Karthik Subbian


Paper: "Constrained Bayesian Optimization with Max-Value Entropy Search" | Valerio Perrone, Iaroslav Shcherbatyi, Rodolphe Jenatton, Cedric Archambeau, Matthias Seeger

Paper: "A Quantile-Based Approach to Hyperparameter Transfer Learning" | David Salinas, Huibin Shen, Valerio Perrone

Paper: "A Baseline for Few-Shot Image Classification" | Guneet Singh Dhillon, Pratik Chaudhari, Avinash Ravichandran, Stefano Soatto

Conversational AI

Organizer: Dilek Hakkani-Tür

Paper: "The Eighth Dialog System Technology Challenge" | Seokhwan Kim, Michel Galley, Chulaka Gunasekara, Sungjin Lee, Adam Atkinson, Baolin Peng, Hannes Schulz, Jianfeng Gao, Jinchao Li, Mahmoud Adada, Minlie Huang, Luis Lastras, Jonathan K. Kummerfeld, Walter S. Lasecki, Chiori Hori, Anoop Cherian, Tim K. Marks, Abhinav Rastogi, Xiaoxue Zang, Srinivas Sunkara, Raghav Gupta

Paper: “Just Ask: An Interactive Learning Framework for Vision and Language Navigation” | Ta-Chung Chi, Minmin Shen, Mihail Eric, Seokhwan Kim, Dilek Hakkani-Tur

Paper: “MA-DST: Multi-Attention-Based Scalable Dialog State Tracking” | Adarsh Kumar, Peter Ku, Anuj Kumar Goyal, Angeliki Metallinou, Dilek Hakkani-Tür

Paper: “Investigation of Error Simulation Techniques for Learning Dialog Policies for Conversational Error Recovery” | Maryam Fazel-Zarandi, Longshaokan Wang, Aditya Tiwari, Spyros Matsoukas

Paper: “Towards Personalized Dialog Policies for Conversational Skill Discovery”| Maryam Fazel-Zarandi, Sampat Biswas, Ryan Summers, Ahmed Elmalt, Andy McCraw, Michael McPhillips, John Peach

Paper: “Conversation Quality Evaluation via User Satisfaction Estimation” | Praveen Kumar Bodigutla, Spyros Matsoukas, Lazaros Polymenakos

Paper: “Multi-domain Dialogue State Tracking as Dynamic Knowledge Graph Enhanced Question Answering” | Li Zhou, Kevin Small

Science Meets Engineering of Deep Learning

Paper: "X-BERT: eXtreme Multi-label Text Classification using Bidirectional Encoder from Transformers" Wei-Cheng Chang, Hsiang-Fu Yu, Kai Zhong, Yiming Yang, Inderjit S. Dhillon

Machine Learning with Guarantees

Organizers: Ben London, Thorsten Joachims
Program Committee: Kevin Small, Shiva Kasiviswanathan, Ted Sandler

MLSys: Workshop on Systems for ML

Paper: "Block-Distributed Gradient Boosted Trees" | Theodore Vasiloudis, Hyunsu Cho, Henrik Boström

Women in Machine Learning

Gold sponsor: Amazon

Research areas

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Economic Decision Science is a central science team working across a variety of topics in the EU Stores business and beyond. We work closely EU business leaders to drive change at Amazon. We focus on solving long-term, ambiguous and challenging problems, while providing advisory support to help solve short-term business pain points. Key topics include pricing, product selection, delivery speed, profitability, and customer experience. We tackle these issues by building novel econometric models, machine learning systems, and high-impact experiments which we integrate into business, financial, and system-level decision making. Our work is highly collaborative and we regularly partner with EU- and US-based interdisciplinary teams. We are looking for a Senior Economist who is able to provide structure around complex business problems, hone those complex problems into specific, scientific questions, and test those questions to generate insights. The ideal candidate will work with various science, engineering, operations and analytics teams to estimate models and algorithms on large scale data, design pilots and measure their impact, and transform successful prototypes into improved policies and programs at scale. If you have an entrepreneurial spirit, you know how to deliver results fast, and you have a deeply quantitative, highly innovative approach to solving problems, and long for the opportunity to build pioneering solutions to challenging problems, we want to talk to you. Key job responsibilities - Provide data-driven guidance and recommendations on strategic questions facing the EU Retail leadership - Scope, design and implement version-zero (V0) models and experiments to kickstart new initiatives, thinking, and drive system-level changes across Amazon - Build a long-term research agenda to understand, break down, and tackle the most stubborn and ambiguous business challenges - Influence business leaders and work closely with other scientists at Amazon to deliver measurable progress and change We are open to hiring candidates to work out of one of the following locations: London, GBR
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Your solutions may lead to billions of dollars impact on either the topline or the bottom line of Amazon third-party seller business. As a senior scientist on the team, you will be involved in every aspect of the process - from idea generation, business analysis and scientific research, through to development and deployment of advanced models - giving you a real sense of ownership. From day one, you will be working with experienced scientists, engineers, and designers who love what they do. You are expected to make decisions about technology, models and methodology choices. You will strive for simplicity, and demonstrate judgment backed by mathematical proof. You will also collaborate with the broader decision and research science community in Amazon to broaden the horizon of your work and mentor engineers and scientists. The successful candidate will have the strong expertise in applying machine learning models in an applied environment and is looking for her/his next opportunity to innovate, build, deliver, and impress. We are seeking someone who wants to lead projects that require innovative thinking and deep technical problem-solving skills to create production-ready machine learning solutions. The candidate will need to be entrepreneurial, wear many hats, and work in a fast-paced, high-energy, highly collaborative environment. We value highly technical people who know their subject matter deeply and are willing to learn new areas. We look for individuals who know how to deliver results and show a desire to develop themselves, their colleagues, and their career. About the team Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) is a service that allows sellers to outsource order fulfillment to Amazon, allowing sellers to leverage Amazon’s world-class facilities to provide customers Prime delivery promise. Sellers gain access to Prime members worldwide, see their sales lift, and are free to focus their time and resources on what they do best while Amazon manages fulfillment. Over the last several years, sellers have enjoyed strong business growth with FBA shipping more than half of all products offered by Amazon. FBA focuses on helping sellers with automating and optimizing the third-party supply chain. FBA sellers leverage Amazon’s expertise in machine learning, optimization, data analytics, econometrics, and market design to deliver the best inventory management experience to sellers. We work full-stack, from foundational backend systems to future-forward user interfaces. Our culture is centered on rapid prototyping, rigorous experimentation, and data-driven decision-making. We are open to hiring candidates to work out of one of the following locations: Bellevue, WA, USA
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The Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) team is looking for a passionate, curious, and creative Applied Scientist, with expertise and experience in machine learning, to join our top-notch cross-domain FBA science team. We want to learn seller behaviors, understand seller experience, build automated LLM-based solutions to sellers, design seller policies and incentives, and develop science products and services that empower third-party sellers to grow their businesses. We also predict potentially costly defects that may occur during packing, shipping, receiving and storing the inventory. We aim to prevent such defects before occurring while we are also fulfilling customer demand as quickly and efficiently as possible, in addition to managing returns and reimbursements. To do so, we build and innovate science solutions at the intersection of machine learning, statistics, economics, operations research, and data analytics. As an applied scientist, you will design and implement ML solutions that will likely draw from a range of scientific areas such as supervised and unsupervised learning, recommendation systems, statistical learning, LLMs, and reinforcement learning. This role has high visibility to senior Amazon business leaders and involves working with other senior and principal scientists, and partnering with engineering and product teams to integrate scientific work into production systems. Key job responsibilities - Research and develop machine learning models to solve diverse FBA business problems. - Translate business requirements/problems into specific plans for research and applied scientists, as well as engineering and product teams. - Drive and execute machine learning projects/products end-to-end: from ideation, analysis, prototyping, development, metrics, and monitoring. - Work closely with teams of scientists, product managers, program managers, software engineers to drive production model implementations. - Build scalable, efficient, automated processes for large scale data analyses, model development, model validation and model implementation. - Advocate technical solutions to business stakeholders, engineering teams, as well as executive level decision makers A day in the life In this role, you will work in machine learning with significant scope, impact, and high visibility. Your solutions may lead to billions of dollars impact on either the topline or the bottom line of Amazon third-party seller business. As an applied scientist, you will be involved in every aspect of the scientific development process - from idea generation, business analysis and scientific research, through to development and deployment of advanced models - giving you a real sense of ownership. From day one, you will be working with experienced scientists, engineers, and designers who love what they do. You are expected to make decisions about technology, models and methodology choices. You will strive for simplicity, and demonstrate judgment backed by mathematical proof. You will also collaborate with the broader decision and research science community in Amazon to broaden the horizon of your work and mentor engineers and scientists. The successful candidate will have the strong expertise in applying machine learning models in an applied environment and is looking for her/his next opportunity to innovate, build, deliver, and impress. We are seeking someone who wants to lead projects that require innovative thinking and deep technical problem-solving skills to create production-ready machine learning solutions. We value highly technical people who know their subject matter deeply and are willing to learn new areas. We look for individuals who know how to deliver results and show a desire to develop themselves, their colleagues, and their career. About the team Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) is a service that allows sellers to outsource order fulfillment to Amazon, allowing sellers to leverage Amazon’s world-class facilities to provide customers Prime delivery promise. Sellers gain access to Prime members worldwide, see their sales lift, and are free to focus their time and resources on what they do best while Amazon manages fulfillment. Over the last several years, sellers have enjoyed strong business growth with FBA shipping more than half of all products offered by Amazon. FBA focuses on helping sellers with automating and optimizing the third-party supply chain. FBA sellers leverage Amazon’s expertise in machine learning, optimization, data analytics, econometrics, and market design to deliver the best inventory management experience to sellers. We work full-stack, from foundational backend systems to future-forward user interfaces. Our culture is centered on rapid prototyping, rigorous experimentation, and data-driven decision-making. We are open to hiring candidates to work out of one of the following locations: Bellevue, WA, USA
US, WA, Seattle
Outbound Communications own the worldwide charter for delighting our customers with timely, relevant notifications (email, mobile, SMS and other channels) to drive awareness and discovery of Amazon’s products and services. We meet customers at their channel of preference with the most relevant content at the right time and frequency. We directly create and operate marketing campaigns, and we have also enabled select partner teams to build programs by reusing and extending our infrastructure. We optimize for customers to receive the most relevant and engaging content across all of Amazon worldwide, and apply the appropriate guardrails to ensure a consistent and high-quality CX. Outbound Communications seek a talented Applied Scientist to join our team to develop the next generation of automated and personalized marketing programs to help Amazon customers in their shopping journeys worldwide. Come join us in our mission today! Key job responsibilities As an Applied Scientist on the team, you will lead the roadmap and strategy for applying science to solve customer problems in the automated marketing domain. This is an opportunity to come in on Day 0 and lead the science strategy of one of the most interesting problem spaces at Amazon - understanding the Amazon customer to build deeply personalized and adaptive messaging experiences. You will be part of a multidisciplinary team and play an active role in translating business and functional requirements into concrete deliverables. You will work closely with product management and the software development team to put solutions into production. You will apply your skills in areas such as deep learning and reinforcement learning while building scalable industrial systems. You will have a unique opportunity to produce and deliver models that help build best-in-class customer experiences and build systems that allow us to deploy these models to production with low latency and high throughput. We are open to hiring candidates to work out of one of the following locations: Seattle, WA, USA
US, WA, Seattle
The Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) team is looking for a passionate, talented, and inventive Applied Scientist with a strong deep learning background, to help build industry-leading technology with multimodal systems. Key job responsibilities As an Applied Scientist with the AGI team, you will work with talented peers to develop novel algorithms and modeling techniques to advance the state of the art with multimodal systems. Your work will directly impact our customers in the form of products and services that make use of vision and language technology. You will leverage Amazon’s heterogeneous data sources and large-scale computing resources to accelerate development with multimodal Large Language Models (LLMs) and Generative Artificial Intelligence (Gen AI) in Computer Vision. About the team The AGI team has a mission to push the envelope with multimodal LLMs and Gen AI in Computer Vision, in order to provide the best-possible experience for our customers. We are open to hiring candidates to work out of one of the following locations: Seattle, WA, USA
CN, 11, Beijing
Amazon Search JP builds features powering product search on the Amazon JP shopping site and expands the innovations to world wide. As an Applied Scientist on this growing team, you will take on a key role in improving the NLP and ranking capabilities of the Amazon product search service. Our ultimate goal is to help customers find the products they are searching for, and discover new products they would be interested in. We do so by developing NLP components that cover a wide range of languages and systems. As an Applied Scientist for Search JP, you will design, implement and deliver search features on Amazon site, helping millions of customers every day to find quickly what they are looking for. You will propose innovation in NLP and IR to build ML models trained on terabytes of product and traffic data, which are evaluated using both offline metrics as well as online metrics from A/B testing. You will then integrate these models into the production search engine that serves customers, closing the loop through data, modeling, application, and customer feedback. The chosen approaches for model architecture will balance business-defined performance metrics with the needs of millisecond response times. Key job responsibilities - Designing and implementing new features and machine learned models, including the application of state-of-art deep learning to solve search matching, ranking and Search suggestion problems. - Analyzing data and metrics relevant to the search experiences. - Working with teams worldwide on global projects. Your benefits include: - Working on a high-impact, high-visibility product, with your work improving the experience of millions of customers - The opportunity to use (and innovate) state-of-the-art ML methods to solve real-world problems with tangible customer impact - Being part of a growing team where you can influence the team's mission, direction, and how we achieve our goals We are open to hiring candidates to work out of one of the following locations: Beijing, 11, CHN | Shanghai, 31, CHN
US, WA, Seattle
The Automated Reasoning Group in AWS Platform is looking for an Applied Scientist with experience in building scalable solver solutions that delight customers. You will be part of a world-class team building the next generation of automated reasoning tools and services. AWS has the most services and more features within those services, than any other cloud provider–from infrastructure technologies like compute, storage, and databases–to emerging technologies, such as machine learning and artificial intelligence, data lakes and analytics, and Internet of Things. You will apply your knowledge to propose solutions, create software prototypes, and move prototypes into production systems using modern software development tools and methodologies. In addition, you will support and scale your solutions to meet the ever-growing demand of customer use. You will use your strong verbal and written communication skills, are self-driven and own the delivery of high quality results in a fast-paced environment. Each day, hundreds of thousands of developers make billions of transactions worldwide on AWS. They harness the power of the cloud to enable innovative applications, websites, and businesses. Using automated reasoning technology and mathematical proofs, AWS allows customers to answer questions about security, availability, durability, and functional correctness. We call this provable security, absolute assurance in security of the cloud and in the cloud. See As an Applied Scientist in AWS Platform, you will play a pivotal role in shaping the definition, vision, design, roadmap and development of product features from beginning to end. You will: - Define and implement new solver applications that are scalable and efficient approaches to difficult problems - Apply software engineering best practices to ensure a high standard of quality for all team deliverables - Work in an agile, startup-like development environment, where you are always working on the most important stuff - Deliver high-quality scientific artifacts - Work with the team to define new interfaces that lower the barrier of adoption for automated reasoning solvers - Work with the team to help drive business decisions The AWS Platform is the glue that holds the AWS ecosystem together. From identity features such as access management and sign on, cryptography, console, builder & developer tools, to projects like automating all of our contractual billing systems, AWS Platform is always innovating with the customer in mind. The AWS Platform team sustains over 750 million transactions per second. Learn and Be Curious. We have a formal mentor search application that lets you find a mentor that works best for you based on location, job family, job level etc. Your manager can also help you find a mentor or two, because two is better than one. In addition to formal mentors, we work and train together so that we are always learning from one another, and we celebrate and support the career progression of our team members. Inclusion and Diversity. Our team is diverse! We drive towards an inclusive culture and work environment. We are intentional about attracting, developing, and retaining amazing talent from diverse backgrounds. Team members are active in Amazon’s 10+ affinity groups, sometimes known as employee resource groups, which bring employees together across businesses and locations around the world. These range from groups such as the Black Employee Network, Latinos at Amazon, Indigenous at Amazon, Families at Amazon, Amazon Women and Engineering, LGBTQ+, Warriors at Amazon (Military), Amazon People With Disabilities, and more. Key job responsibilities Work closely with internal and external users on defining and extending application domains. Tune solver performance for application-specific demands. Identify new opportunities for solver deployment. About the team Solver science is a talented team of scientists from around the world. Expertise areas include solver theory, performance, implementation, and applications. Diverse Experiences AWS values diverse experiences. Even if you do not meet all of the qualifications and skills listed in the job description, we encourage candidates to apply. If your career is just starting, hasn’t followed a traditional path, or includes alternative experiences, don’t let it stop you from applying. Why AWS? Amazon Web Services (AWS) is the world’s most comprehensive and broadly adopted cloud platform. We pioneered cloud computing and never stopped innovating — that’s why customers from the most successful startups to Global 500 companies trust our robust suite of products and services to power their businesses. Inclusive Team Culture Here at AWS, it’s in our nature to learn and be curious. Our employee-led affinity groups foster a culture of inclusion that empower us to be proud of our differences. Ongoing events and learning experiences, including our Conversations on Race and Ethnicity (CORE) and AmazeCon (gender diversity) conferences, inspire us to never stop embracing our uniqueness. Mentorship & Career Growth We’re continuously raising our performance bar as we strive to become Earth’s Best Employer. That’s why you’ll find endless knowledge-sharing, mentorship and other career-advancing resources here to help you develop into a better-rounded professional. Work/Life Balance We value work-life harmony. Achieving success at work should never come at the expense of sacrifices at home, which is why we strive for flexibility as part of our working culture. When we feel supported in the workplace and at home, there’s nothing we can’t achieve in the cloud. Hybrid Work We value innovation and recognize this sometimes requires uninterrupted time to focus on a build. We also value in-person collaboration and time spent face-to-face. Our team affords employees options to work in the office every day or in a flexible, hybrid work model near one of our U.S. Amazon offices. We are open to hiring candidates to work out of one of the following locations: Portland, OR, USA | Seattle, WA, USA
US, WA, Seattle
We’re working to improve shopping on Amazon using the conversational capabilities of LLMs, and are searching for pioneers who are passionate about technology, innovation, and customer experience, and are ready to make a lasting impact on the industry. You'll be working with talented scientists, engineers, across the breadth of Amazon Shopping and AGI to innovate on behalf of our customers. If you're fired up about being part of a dynamic, driven team, then this is your moment to join us on this exciting journey! We are open to hiring candidates to work out of one of the following locations: Seattle, WA, USA
US, WA, Seattle
We are looking for an Applied Scientist to join our Seattle team. As an Applied Scientist, you are able to use a range of science methodologies to solve challenging business problems when the solution is unclear. Our team solves a broad range of problems ranging from natural knowledge understanding of third-party shoppable content, product and content recommendation to social media influencers and their audiences, determining optimal compensation for creators, and mitigating fraud. We generate deep semantic understanding of the photos, and videos in shoppable content created by our creators for efficient processing and appropriate placements for the best customer experience. For example, you may lead the development of reinforcement learning models such as MAB to rank content/product to be shown to influencers. To achieve this, a deep understanding of the quality and relevance of content must be established through ML models that provide those contexts for ranking. In order to be successful in our team, you need a combination of business acumen, broad knowledge of statistics, deep understanding of ML algorithms, and an analytical mindset. You thrive in a collaborative environment, and are passionate about learning. Our team utilizes a variety of AWS tools such as SageMaker, S3, and EC2 with a variety of skillset in shallow and deep learning ML models, particularly in NLP and CV. You will bring knowledge in many of these domains along with your own specialties. Key job responsibilities • Use statistical and machine learning techniques to create scalable and lasting systems. • Analyze and understand large amounts of Amazon’s historical business data for Recommender/Matching algorithms • Design, develop and evaluate highly innovative models for NLP. • Work closely with teams of scientists and software engineers to drive real-time model implementations and new feature creations. • Establish scalable, efficient, automated processes for large scale data analyses, model development, model validation and implementation. • Research and implement novel machine learning and statistical approaches, including NLP and Computer Vision A day in the life In this role, you’ll be utilizing your NLP or CV skills, and creative and critical problem-solving skills to drive new projects from ideation to implementation. Your science expertise will be leveraged to research and deliver often novel solutions to existing problems, explore emerging problems spaces, and create or organize knowledge around them. About the team Our team puts a high value on your work and personal life happiness. It isn’t about how many hours you spend at home or at work; it’s about the flow you establish that brings energy to both parts of you. We believe striking the right balance between your personal and professional life is critical to life-long happiness and fulfillment. We offer flexibility in working hours and encourage you to establish your own harmony between your work and personal life. We are open to hiring candidates to work out of one of the following locations: New York, NY, USA | Seattle, WA, USA