This year's Interspeech will be held in Graz, Austria, whose famed clock tower was built in the mid-1500s
Photo courtesy of Getty Images

The 16 Alexa-related papers at this year’s Interspeech

At next week’s Interspeech, the largest conference on the science and technology of spoken-language processing, Alexa researchers have 16 papers, which span the five core areas of Alexa functionality: device activation, or recognizing speech intended for Alexa and other audio events that require processing; automatic speech recognition (ASR), or converting the speech signal into text; natural-language understanding, or determining the meaning of customer utterances; dialogue management, or handling multiturn conversational exchanges; and text-to-speech, or generating natural-sounding synthetic speech to convey Alexa’s responses. Two of the papers are also more-general explorations of topics in machine learning.

Device Activation

Model Compression on Acoustic Event Detection with Quantized Distillation
Bowen Shi, Ming Sun, Chieh-Chi Kao, Viktor Rozgic, Spyros Matsoukas, Chao Wang

The researchers combine two techniques to shrink neural networks trained to detect sounds by 88%, with no loss in accuracy. One technique, distillation, involves using a large, powerful model to train a leaner, more-efficient one. The other technique, quantization, involves using a fixed number of values to approximate a larger range of values.

Sub-band Convolutional Neural Networks for Small-footprint Spoken Term Classification
Chieh-Chi Kao, Ming Sun, Yixin Gao, Shiv Vitaladevuni, Chao Wang

Convolutional neural nets (CNNs) were originally designed to look for the same patterns in every block of pixels in a digital image. But they can also be applied to acoustic signals, which can be represented as two-dimensional mappings of time against frequency-based “features”. By restricting an audio-processing CNN’s search only to the feature ranges where a particular pattern is likely to occur, the researchers make it much more computationally efficient. This could make audio processing more practical for power-constrained devices.

A Study for Improving Device-Directed Speech Detection toward Frictionless Human-Machine Interaction
Che-Wei Huang, Roland Maas, Sri Harish Mallidi, Björn Hoffmeister

This paper is an update of prior work on detecting device-directed speech, or identifying utterances intended for Alexa. The researchers find that labeling dialogue turns (distinguishing initial utterances from subsequent utterances) and using signal representations based on Fourier transforms rather than mel-frequencies improve accuracy. They also find that, among the features extracted from speech recognizers that the system considers, confusion networks, which represent word probabilities at successive sentence positions, have the most predictive power.

Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR)

Acoustic Model Bootstrapping Using Semi-Supervised Learning
Langzhou Chen, Volker Leutnant

The researchers propose a method for selecting machine-labeled utterances for semi-supervised training of an acoustic model, the component of an ASR system that takes an acoustic signal as input. First, for each training sample, the system uses the existing acoustic model to identify the two most probable word-level interpretations of the signal at each position in the sentence. Then it finds examples in the training data that either support or contradict those probability estimates, which it uses to adjust the uncertainty of the ASR output. Samples that yield significant reductions in uncertainty are preferentially selected for training.

Improving ASR Confidence Scores for Alexa Using Acoustic and Hypothesis Embeddings
Prakhar Swarup, Roland Maas, Sri Garimella, Sri Harish Mallidi, Björn Hoffmeister

Speech recognizers assign probabilities to different interpretations of acoustic signals, and these probabilities can serve as inputs to a machine learning model that assesses the recognizer’s confidence in its classifications. The resulting confidence scores can be useful to other applications, such as systems that select machine-labeled training data for semi-supervised learning. The researchers append embeddings — fixed-length vector representations — of both the raw acoustic input and the speech recognizer’s best estimate of the word sequence to the inputs to a confidence-scoring network. The result: a 6.5% reduction in equal-error rate (the error rate that results when the false-negative and false-positive rates are set as equal).

Multi-Dialect Acoustic Modeling Using Phone Mapping and Online I-Vectors
Harish Arsikere, Ashtosh Sapru, Sri Garimella

Multi-dialect acoustic models, which help convert multi-dialect speech signals to words, are typically neural networks trained on pooled multi-dialect data, with separate output layers for each dialect. The researchers show that mapping the phones — the smallest phonetic units of speech — of each dialect to those of the others offers comparable results with shorter training times and better parameter sharing. They also show that recognition accuracy can be improved by adapting multi-dialect acoustic models, on the fly, to a target speaker.

Neural Machine Translation for Multilingual Grapheme-to-Phoneme Conversion
Alex Sokolov, Tracy Rohlin, Ariya Rastrow

Grapheme-to-phoneme models, which translate written words into their phonetic equivalents (“echo” to “E k oU”), enable speech recognizers to handle words they haven’t seen before. The researchers train a single neural model to handle grapheme-to-phoneme conversion in 18 languages. The results are comparable to those of state-of-the-art single-language models for languages with abundant training data and better for languages with sparse data. Multilingual models are more flexible and easier to maintain in production environments.

Scalable Multi Corpora Neural Language Models for ASR
Anirudh Raju, Denis Filimonov, Gautam Tiwari, Guitang Lan, Ariya Rastrow

Language models, which compute the probability of a given sequence of words, help distinguish between different interpretations of speech signals. Neural language models promise greater accuracy than existing models, but they’re difficult to incorporate into real-time speech recognition systems. The researchers describe several techniques to make neural language models practical, from a technique for weighting training samples from out-of-domain data sets to noise contrastive estimation, which turns the calculation of massive probability distributions into simple binary decisions.

Natural-Language Understanding

Neural Named Entity Recognition from Subword Units
Abdalghani Abujabal, Judith Gaspers

Named-entity recognition is crucial to voice-controlled systems — as when you tell Alexa “Play ‘Spirit’ by Beyoncé”. A neural network that recognizes named entities typically has dedicated input channels for every word in its vocabulary. This has two drawbacks: (1) the network grows extremely large, which makes it slower and more memory intensive, and (2) it has trouble handling unfamiliar words. The researchers trained a named-entity recognizer that instead takes subword units — characters, phonemes, and bytes — as inputs. It offers comparable performance with a vocabulary of only 332 subwords, versus 74,000-odd words.

Dialogue Management

HyST: A Hybrid Approach for Flexible and Accurate Dialogue State Tracking
Rahul Goel, Shachi Paul, Dilek Hakkani-Tür

Dialogue-based computer systems need to track “slots” — types of entities mentioned in conversation, such as movie names — and their values — such as Avengers: Endgame. Training a machine learning system to decide whether to pull candidate slot values from prior conversation or compute a distribution over all possible slot values improves slot-tracking accuracy by 24% over the best-performing previous system.

Towards Universal Dialogue Act Tagging for Task-Oriented Dialogues
Shachi Paul, Rahul Goel, Dilek Hakkani-Tür

Dialogue-based computer systems typically classify utterances by “dialogue act” — such as requesting, informing, and denying — as a way of gauging progress toward a conversational goal. As a first step in developing a system that will automatically label dialogue acts in human-human conversations (to, in turn, train a dialogue-act classifier), the researchers create a “universal tagging scheme” for dialogue acts. They use this scheme to reconcile the disparate tags used in different data sets.

Topical-Chat: Towards Knowledge-Grounded Open-Domain Conversations
Karthik Gopalakrishnan, Behnam Hedayatnia, Qinlang Chen, Anna Gottardi, Sanjeev Kwatra, Anu Venkatesh, Raefer Gabriel, Dilek Hakkani-Tür

The researchers report a new data set, which grew out of the Alexa Prize competition and is intended to advance research on AI agents that engage in social conversations. Pairs of workers recruited through Mechanical Turk were given information on topics that arose frequently during Alexa Prize interactions and asked to converse about them, documenting the sources of their factual assertions. The researchers used the resulting data set to train a knowledge-grounded response generation network, and they report automated and human evaluation results as state-of-the-art baselines.


Towards Achieving Robust Universal Neural Vocoding
Jaime Lorenzo Trueba, Thomas Drugman, Javier Latorre, Thomas Merritt, Bartosz Putrycz, Roberto Barra-Chicote, Alexis Moinet, Vatsal Aggarwal

A vocoder is the component of a speech synthesizer that takes the frequency-spectrum snapshots generated by other components and fills in the information necessary to convert them to audio. The researchers trained a neural-network-based vocoder using data from 74 speakers of both genders in 17 languages. The resulting “universal vocoder” outperformed speaker-specific vocoders, even on speakers and languages it had never encountered before and unusual tasks such as synthesized singing.

Fine-Grained Robust Prosody Transfer for Single-Speaker Neural Text-to-Speech
Viacheslav Klimkov, Srikanth Ronanki, Jonas Rohnke, Thomas Drugman

The researchers present a new technique for transferring prosody (intonation, stress, and rhythm) from a recording to a synthesized voice, enabling the user to choose whose voice will read recorded content, with inflections preserved. Where earlier prosody transfer systems used spectrograms — frequency spectrum snapshots — as inputs, the researchers’ system uses easily normalized prosodic features extracted from the raw audio.

Machine Learning

Two Tiered Distributed Training Algorithm for Acoustic Modeling
Pranav Ladkat, Oleg Rybakov, Radhika Arava, Sree Hari Krishnan Parthasarathi,I-Fan Chen, Nikko Strom

When neural networks are trained on large data sets, the training needs to be distributed, or broken up across multiple processors. A novel combination of two state-of-the-art distributed-learning algorithms — GTC and BMUF — achieves both higher accuracy and more-efficient training then either, when learning is distributed to 128 parallel processors.

The researchers' new method splits distributed processors into groups, and within each group, the processors use the highly accurate GTC method to synchronize their models. At regular intervals, designated representatives from all the groups use a different method — BMUF — to share their models and update them accordingly. Finally, each representative broadcasts its updated model to the rest of its group.
Animation by Nick Little

One-vs-All Models for Asynchronous Training: An Empirical Analysis
Rahul Gupta, Aman Alok, Shankar Ananthakrishnan

A neural network can be trained to perform multiple classifications at once: it might recognize multiple objects in an image, or assign multiple topic categories to a single news article. An alternative is to train a separate “one-versus-all” (OVA) classifier for each category, which classifies data as either in the category or out of it. The advantage of this approach is that each OVA classifier can be re-trained separately as new data becomes available. The researchers present a new metric that enables comparison of multiclass and OVA strategies, to help data scientists determine which is more useful for a given application.

Research areas

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Do you want to join an innovative team of scientists who use machine learning and statistical techniques to create state-of-the-art solutions for providing better value to Amazon’s customers? Do you want to build and deploy advanced ML systems that help optimize millions of transactions every day? Are you excited by the prospect of analyzing and modeling terabytes of data to solve real-world problems? Do you like to own end-to-end business problems/metrics and directly impact the profitability of the company? Do you like to innovate and simplify? If yes, then you may be a great fit to join the Machine Learning team for India Consumer Businesses. Machine Learning, Big Data and related quantitative sciences have been strategic to Amazon from the early years. Amazon has been a pioneer in areas such as recommendation engines, ecommerce fraud detection and large-scale optimization of fulfillment center operations. As Amazon has rapidly grown and diversified, the opportunity for applying machine learning has exploded. We have a very broad collection of practical problems where machine learning systems can dramatically improve the customer experience, reduce cost, and drive speed and automation. These include product bundle recommendations for millions of products, safeguarding financial transactions across by building the risk models, improving catalog quality via extracting product attribute values from structured/unstructured data for millions of products, enhancing address quality by powering customer suggestions We are developing state-of-the-art machine learning solutions to accelerate the Amazon India growth story. Amazon India is an exciting place to be at for a machine learning practitioner. We have the eagerness of a fresh startup to absorb machine learning solutions, and the scale of a mature firm to help support their development at the same time. As part of the India Machine Learning team, you will get to work alongside brilliant minds motivated to solve real-world machine learning problems that make a difference to millions of our customers. We encourage thought leadership and blue ocean thinking in ML. Key job responsibilities Use machine learning and analytical techniques to create scalable solutions for business problems Analyze and extract relevant information from large amounts of Amazon’s historical business data to help automate and optimize key processes Design, develop, evaluate and deploy, innovative and highly scalable ML models Work closely with software engineering teams to drive real-time model implementations Work closely with business partners to identify problems and propose machine learning solutions Establish scalable, efficient, automated processes for large scale data analyses, model development, model validation and model maintenance Work proactively with engineering teams and product managers to evangelize new algorithms and drive the implementation of large-scale complex ML models in production Leading projects and mentoring other scientists, engineers in the use of ML techniques About the team International Machine Learning Team is responsible for building novel ML solutions that attack India first (and other Emerging Markets across MENA and LatAm) problems and impact the bottom-line and top-line of India business. Learn more about our team from
IN, HR, Gurugram
“Amazon Science gives you insight into the company’s approach to customer-obsessed scientific innovation. Amazon fundamentally believes that scientific innovation is essential to being the most customer-centric company in the world. It’s the company’s ability to have an impact at scale that allows us to attract some of the brightest minds in artificial intelligence and related fields. Our scientists continue to publish, teach, and engage with the academic community, in addition to utilizing our working backwards method to enrich the way we live and work.” Please visit for more information Amazon Business is one of Amazon’s fastest growing businesses, focused on enabling business customers to research, discover and buy business, industrial and scientific products in large catalogs. Our customers include individual professionals, businesses and institutions that buy products in bulk quantities to run their business smoothly. Business customers have different and more complex needs than the traditional Amazon customer base. We operate in the US, EU5, Canada, Japan and India. And we are continually expanding to new countries. We are looking for Applied Scientist with strong technical experience, who are passionate in building scientific driven solutions to be part of the Amazon Business organization. This is a great opportunity to innovate and provide the best customer experience in the entire journey of purchase, right from product discovery to post purchase experiences. This is your chance to make an impact of multi-trillion-dollars on your own. In this role, you will be a technical expert with significant scope and impact. You will work with Product Managers, Software Engineers, Data Engineers, and other Applied Scientists, to build new and enhance existing ML models to optimize customer experience. A successful Applied Scientist at Amazon has extreme bias for action and operates in a startup environment, with outstanding leadership skills, proven ability to build and manage medium-scale modeling projects, identify data requirements, build methodology and tools that are statistically grounded. We need great leaders to think big and design new solutions to solve complex problems using machine learning (ML) and natural language processing (NLP) techniques to improve our customers’ experience when using AB. We are seeking someone who can thrive in a fast-paced, high-energy and fun work environment where we deliver value incrementally and frequently. We value highly technical people who know their subject matter deeply and are willing to learn new areas. We look for individuals who know how to deliver results and show a desire to develop themselves, their colleagues, and their career." Key job responsibilities - Serve as a technical expert and leader in building new and enhancing existing ML models to optimize customer experience for Amazon Business - Work closely with cross-functional teams including Product Managers, Software Engineers, Data Engineers, and other Applied Scientists - Identify data requirements, build methodology, and develop statistically grounded tools and solutions using machine learning (ML) and LLM - Drive projects from ideation to execution with an emphasis on bias for action. - Stay up-to-date with the latest advancements in AI/ML and proactively identify opportunities to improve the customer experience A day in the life - Collaborate with product and engineering teams to understand business requirements and translate them into technical solutions - Conduct in-depth data analysis and feature engineering to build robust ML models - Prototype and test new ideas, iterate quickly, and deploy models to production - Monitor model performance, troubleshoot issues, and continuously optimize models - Share learnings and best practices with the broader team, contribute to innovation and publish research papers.
IN, KA, Bangalore
“Amazon Science gives you insight into the company’s approach to customer-obsessed scientific innovation. Amazon fundamentally believes that scientific innovation is essential to being the most customer-centric company in the world. It’s the company’s ability to have an impact at scale that allows us to attract some of the brightest minds in artificial intelligence and related fields. Our scientists continue to publish, teach, and engage with the academic community, in addition to utilizing our working backwards method to enrich the way we live and work.” Please visit for more information Amazon Business is one of Amazon’s fastest growing businesses, focused on enabling business customers to research, discover and buy business, industrial and scientific products in large catalogs. Our customers include individual professionals, businesses and institutions that buy products in bulk quantities to run their business smoothly. Business customers have different and more complex needs than the traditional Amazon customer base. We operate in the US, EU5, Canada, Japan and India. And we are continually expanding to new countries. We are looking for Applied Scientist with strong technical experience, who are passionate in building scientific driven solutions to be part of the Amazon Business organization. This is a great opportunity to innovate and provide the best customer experience in the entire journey of purchase, right from product discovery to post purchase experiences. This is your chance to make an impact of multi-trillion-dollars on your own. In this role, you will be a technical expert with significant scope and impact. You will work with Product Managers, Software Engineers, Data Engineers, and other Applied Scientists, to build new and enhance existing ML models to optimize customer experience. A successful Applied Scientist at Amazon has extreme bias for action and operates in a startup environment, with outstanding leadership skills, proven ability to build and manage medium-scale modeling projects, identify data requirements, build methodology and tools that are statistically grounded. We need great leaders to think big and design new solutions to solve complex problems using machine learning (ML) and natural language processing (NLP) techniques to improve our customers’ experience when using AB. We are seeking someone who can thrive in a fast-paced, high-energy and fun work environment where we deliver value incrementally and frequently. We value highly technical people who know their subject matter deeply and are willing to learn new areas. We look for individuals who know how to deliver results and show a desire to develop themselves, their colleagues, and their career." Key job responsibilities - Serve as a technical expert and leader in building new and enhancing existing ML models to optimize customer experience for Amazon Business - Work closely with cross-functional teams including Product Managers, Software Engineers, Data Engineers, and other Applied Scientists - Identify data requirements, build methodology, and develop statistically grounded tools and solutions using machine learning (ML) and LLM - Drive projects from ideation to execution with an emphasis on bias for action. - Stay up-to-date with the latest advancements in AI/ML and proactively identify opportunities to improve the customer experience A day in the life - Collaborate with product and engineering teams to understand business requirements and translate them into technical solutions - Conduct in-depth data analysis and feature engineering to build robust ML models - Prototype and test new ideas, iterate quickly, and deploy models to production - Monitor model performance, troubleshoot issues, and continuously optimize models - Share learnings and best practices with the broader team, contribute to innovation and publish research papers.