TaskBot Challenge Rules

Please review the rules before taking part in the challenge.

The Alexa Prize TaskBot Challenge (the “Competition”) is a skill competition sponsored by Amazon.com Services LLC (“Sponsor”), in which competing teams of college or university students each build an Alexa skill using the Alexa Skills Kit APIs (“TaskBots”) for use in the United States that assists Alexa users in accomplishing tasks related to cooking and do-it-yourself (“DIY”) projects via Amazon Alexa.

Selected teams will have the opportunity to participate in the Competition, and final results will be announced in September 2023. See below for the Competition details.

By applying to or participating in the Competition, you agree to these Official Rules. Please read them carefully.


Applications to participate in the Competition can be submitted starting September 2022. After participating teams are selected, the Competition will run from January 2023 through September 2023 (the “Competition Period”). The Competition phases are noted in the calendar below. The dates are approximate and are subject to change at Sponsor’s discretion.

PHASE 1: Participant Application Period
September 22, 2022
November 4, 2022
PHASE 2: Sponsor Application Review Period
November 7, 2022
November 18, 2022
PHASE 3: Participant Notification Period and Onboarding
November 21, 2022
January 6, 2023
January 11, 2023
January 13, 2023
PHASE 4: Initial Skills Development Period
January 9, 2023
March 10, 2023
PHASE 5: Skill Certification Period
March 13, 2023
March 24, 2023
PHASE 6: Internal Amazon Beta Period
March 28, 2023
April 28, 2023
PHASE 7: Initial Feedback Period
May 2, 2023
June 9, 2023
PHASE 8: Semifinals Interaction Period
June 13, 2023
July 28, 2023
PHASE 9: Additional Feedback Period
August 8, 2023
September 1, 2023
PHASE 10: Finals Event
September 11, 2023
September 14, 2023
September 2023


The Alexa Prize TaskBot Challenge 2 invites university teams to compete to develop agents that assist customers in completing Cooking and DIY tasks by incorporating multimodal (voice and screen) conversational interface with an AI agent. The challenge incorporates screen-based interaction into the conversational experience, so in addition to receiving verbal instructions, customers with Echo screen devices could also be presented with step-by-step instructions, images, or diagrams that enhance task guidance. Success in the challenge will require participants to advance the state of the art in conversational AI, and address difficult science challenges related to knowledge representation and inference, commonsense and causal reasoning, and language understanding and generation, and integrating voice-based and screen-based interaction, requiring synthesis of multiple areas and approaches to conversational AI.


To be eligible to participate in the Competition, you must: (1) be enrolled as a full-time undergraduate or post-graduate student in good standing at an accredited college or university (other than colleges or universities located in any of the Restricted Jurisdictions outlined below) (“Universities”) at the time of entry and during the entire course of your participation in the Competition; (2) be at or above the age of majority in your country, state, province or jurisdiction of residence at the time of entry; and (3) not be a person or entity under U.S. export controls or sanctions. Competition is void in Cuba, Iran, Syria, North Korea, Sudan, the region of Crimea, and where prohibited by law (“Restricted Jurisdictions”). People who, during the Competition Period, are directors, officers, employees, interns, or contractors (“Personnel”) of Sponsor, its parents, subsidiaries, affiliates, or their respective advertising, promotion and public relations agencies, representatives, or agents (collectively, “Competition Entities”), immediate families members of such Personnel (parents, siblings, children, spouses, and life partners of each) or members of the households of such Personnel (whether related or not) are ineligible to participate in this Competition. Sponsor reserves the right to verify eligibility, disqualify ineligible participants, and adjudicate on any dispute at any time.

Entrants (“Entrants”) must enter as part of an “Entrant Team” consisting of one or more students from a single University. An Entrant must be part of only one Entrant Team. Any Entrant that is part of more than one Entrant Team, and any corresponding Entrant Team, may be disqualified at the sole discretion of Sponsor. Only one member of the Entrant Team may submit an application on behalf of an Entrant Team but all those listed on the application are Entrants. All prize money payable to Entrant Teams will be split evenly among the Entrants of a winning Entrant Team (based on the pre-tax amount of prize money), as identified in the application, as updated as permitted by these Official Rules, who maintain eligibility (including full-time student status in good standing at their University) during the entire course of their participation in the Competition, and who continue to participate in the Competition until any one of the following events occurs: (1) until the end of the Competition Period, (2) if they graduate in May 2023 or later, until their graduation from their University, or (3) if they accept an internship for the summer of 2023 that renders them ineligible to continue to participate, until the start of that internship.

Each team must select a faculty advisor who, with respect to that team, will act as the official representative for the Entrant Team’s University (the “Faculty Advisor”). Each Entrant Team must have its own Faculty Advisor; no Faculty Advisor may represent more than one team. Faculty Advisors are not members of the Entrant Team and will not receive any portion of any prize. Faculty Advisors must remain full time employees of the Entrant Team University during the entire Competition Period. During the Competition Period, but no later than the end of the Initial Feedback Period, the Faculty Advisor may request to remove members from the Entrant Team or to add additional members to the Entrant Team. The Faculty Advisor must provide, an explanation of the reason for the removal or addition, and any proposed new member must provide any documentation requested by Sponsor and agree to comply with these Official Rules. Changes to the Entrant Team are subject to Sponsor’s approval in its sole discretion. If at any point during the Competition Period the Entrant Team’s Faculty Advisor cannot continue to serve as a Faculty Advisor, the Entrant Team may submit a request to Sponsor to select a new Faculty Advisor. Changes to the Entrant Team’s Faculty Advisor are subject to Sponsor’s approval in its sole discretion. If an Entrant Team fails to have a Faculty Advisor at any point in time during the Competition Period for any reason, the Entrant Team may be disqualified.

Each Entrant must be eligible to participate in this Competition and comply with these Official Rules or the Entrant, and the Entrant Team associated with that Entrant, may be disqualified. This Competition is subject to all applicable federal, state, territorial, provincial, and local laws. Competition is void where prohibited. By participating in the Competition, all Entrants accept and agree to comply with and abide by these Official Rules and the decisions of the Sponsor which will be final and binding, including the Sponsor’s right to verify eligibility, to interpret these Official Rules, and to resolve any disputes relating to this Competition at any time. Only Entrants may work on the TaskBot, although members of the Alexa team may provide support to the Entrant Team during the Competition Period, and the Faculty Advisor, and other students and faculty members at an Entrant Team’s University may provide support and advice to the Entrant Team and may co-author the Technical Article (as defined below) or other research papers.


As part of the Competition, Entrant Teams must submit their TaskBots via Sponsor’s Developer Portal, and in doing so must agree to the Amazon Developer Services Agreement (“Developer Agreement”). TaskBots must comply with the terms applicable to “Alexa Skills” in the Developer Agreement, including the content guidelines and all other Program Policies (as defined in the Developer Agreement). TaskBots that cause any harm, as determined by Sponsor in its sole discretion, will be disqualified from the Competition. Questionable or controversial designs or content must be cleared with Sponsor prior to being deployed in a TaskBot. All TaskBots must interact with users using only the English language. TaskBots may not request any personal data or personally identifiable information from Alexa users. All Entrant Teams must host their TaskBots using Amazon Web Services (“AWS”) Lambda, and in doing so must agree to the terms of the AWS Customer Agreement. However, Entrant Teams may use other frameworks or web services to build their TaskBot, and TaskBots may make external calls to other services during run-time execution, so long as no confidential information of Sponsor and no Alexa user interaction data is shared with any third party.

TaskBots are responsible for verifying that the requested tasks are within the supported domains (“Supported Tasks”). TaskBots must decline tasks that could cause harm to users or their property and stop the interaction after requests for any such tasks. Sponsor may audit TaskBots for compliance with this requirement. If a task is accepted as a Supported Task, a TaskBot should interactively assist the user to complete the task, potentially across multiple sessions, and help the user to resume a paused task as needed.

During all phases of the Competition, Sponsor may in its sole discretion require Entrant Teams to provide periodic status updates, reports, or demonstrations of the TaskBots. Sponsor may also require Entrant Teams to comply with additional rules, requirements, or procedures that Sponsor determines, in its sole discretion, are necessary for the administration of the Competition. Sponsor may in its sole discretion penalize teams for noncompliance with any rules, requirements, or procedures, including by disqualification from the Competition.

Sponsor may in its sole discretion require all TaskBots to adhere to requirements designed to ensure that TaskBots are focused on the goal of advancing the science of conversational artificial intelligence, and to ensure a positive experience for Alexa customers using the TaskBot. Sponsor may determine any appropriate penalties for noncompliance with those requirements, including temporary suspension of the TaskBot, disregarding ratings for interactions that are non-compliant with such policies, or disqualification from the Competition.

Sponsor may provide Entrants selected to participate in the Competition access to software, software development kits, libraries, APIs, documentation, sample code, templates, data sets, and related materials (“Program Materials”) that may be used in connection with the Competition. If an Entrant uses any Program Materials, the Entrant is subject to and agrees to comply with Sponsor’s Program Materials License Agreement. Program Materials may include APIs, data sets, and other materials that are not public (“Non-Public Materials”). Each Entrant Team whose TaskBots are made available through the Alexa service will receive automatic speech recognition text transcriptions and other data (e.g., confidence scores) relating to Alexa user interactions with the Entrant Team’s TaskBot (“Interaction Data”).

Each Entrant and Faculty Advisor agrees that they will not disclose, distribute, or otherwise make available any Non-Public Materials or Interaction Data to anyone other than other Entrants of their Entrant Team and the Entrant Team’s Faculty Advisor. Each Entrant (and each Faculty Advisor) agrees that they will use Non-Public Materials and Interaction Data only in connection with the development and operation of (a) a TaskBot as part of the Competition and in compliance with these Official Rules and (b) following the completion of the Competition Period, a TaskBot or related bot operating as a stand-alone Alexa skill. Entrants (and Faculty Advisors) may not use Non-Public Materials or Interaction Data for any other purpose. Prior to the conclusion of the Competition Period, Entrants may not publish their TaskBot as a stand-alone Alexa Skill or use the Non-Public Materials or Interaction Data to operate the TaskBot as a stand-alone Alexa Skill or in connection with other Alexa skills. Entrants (and Faculty Advisors) must return or destroy all Non-Public Materials and Interaction Data (in any form and including, without limitation, all summaries, copies and excerpts of the same) promptly following any request from Sponsor, or if the Entrant Team discontinues the development or operation of its TaskBot. If any Entrant or Faculty Advisor is disqualified from the Competition, leaves the University, or otherwise terminates their participation in the Competition, that individual must immediately return or destroy all Non-Public Materials and Interaction Data in their possession. Sponsor reserves the right in its sole discretion to impose additional terms and conditions on the use of Program Materials, and to condition access to Program Materials on Entrants’ agreement to those terms and conditions.


PHASE 1 “Participant Application Period”: Before the end of the Participant Application Period, the leader of each Entrant Team that wishes to enter the Competition may visit https://www.amazon.science/alexa-prize (the “Competition Site”) to submit their entry information via the YouNoodle, Inc. (“YouNoodle”) application portal, including, but not limited to: complete names, contact information, and resumes of all Entrant Team members, proof of University enrolled status (e.g., verification of enrollment or an uploaded copy of Entrants’ student IDs), name and contact information of a sponsoring Faculty Advisor from the Entrant Team’s University, and a bio for each Entrant Team member.

Each Entrant Team will be required to answer the following questions:

  1. What is your team’s vision for your TaskBot? How would your TaskBot help customers accomplish their tasks?
  2. How will your team measure success in the Competition?
  3. Please share sample interactions you expect your TaskBot to achieve by the end of the Competition for each of the Competition’s two domains (Cooking and DIY).
  4. Describe, in detail, your scientific approach along with the related system architecture. Plan for operating at scale when you define the architecture. (2 page PDF structured as a technical paper and architecture diagram with 1 additional page for visual or text explanation of key components and data flow).
  5. What is novel about the team’s approach? (This may be completely new approach or novel synthesis or extension of existing techniques).
  6. What are the top three technical challenges/risks in your approach and how do you plan to address them?
  7. How do you think your work will impact the field of AI?
  8. How will your TaskBot leverage multimodal interaction (e.g. speech combined with graphical output) in order to provide an engaging and effective experience for the customer?
  9. Please attach an overview of the primary roles, subject matter expertise, and focus/specialty of each of your team members. (1 page)
  10. Please provide a summary of the technical work/research (relevant to your proposed architecture), yours or others’, that you will leverage and how.

Entry Applications may be submitted at any time during the Participant Application Period. Only one individual per Entrant Team may submit an Entry Application on behalf of their Entrant Team. Other members of the Entrant Team must accept the invitation to join the team via the YouNoodle application portal. All Entrants must create an account with YouNoodle if they have not done so already in order to submit an Entry Application or accept an invitation to join an Entrant Team and participate in the Competition. Creating and maintaining a YouNoodle account is free of charge. All Entry Applications must be complete when the Participant Application Period closes at 11:59 pm Pacific Time on the last day of the Participant Application Period. Entry Applications are not complete until all the online prompts and instructions to upload the Entry Application have been properly followed, the Official Rules have been accepted, and all Entrant Team members and the Faculty Advisor have accepted their invitations to join the Entrant Team via the YouNoodle application portal. Entry Applications may not be revised once submitted. Once submitted, Entry Applications will not be returned and become the property of the Sponsor.

Entry Terms: Determination of eligibility and compliance with these Official Rules and any other requirements imposed by Sponsor will be in the sole discretion of the Sponsor. By entering, Entrants represent that all information and materials submitted to Sponsor in connection with the Competition:

  1. are the original work of the Entrant Team or an update to an original work of the Entrant Team;
  2. do not infringe or violate the rights of any third party, including but not limited to copyrights, trademarks or copyrighted material not owned by the Entrant Team, contract and licensing rights, rights of publicity or privacy, moral rights, or any other intellectual property rights; and
  3. are not subject to any third-party agreements, and that Sponsor will not be required to pay or incur any sums to any person or entity as a result of its exercise of any rights granted under these Official Rules.

PHASE 2 “Sponsor Application Review Period”: All eligible Entry Applications will be reviewed by the Sponsor. Sponsor will select up to ten Entrant Teams to participate in the Competition in its sole discretion, including based on the following criteria:

  • The potential scientific contribution to the field;
  • The technical merit of the approach;
  • The novelty of the idea, including innovative ideas on improving the presentation and coordinating visual and verbal modalities; and
  • An assessment of the Entrant Team’s ability to execute against their plan.

PHASE 3 “Participant Notification Period”: Entrant Teams selected by Sponsor to participate in the Competition will be notified by email at the email address provided at time of Entry Application. Entrant Teams acknowledge that some Entrant Teams may include Entrants and Faculty Advisors who participated in prior iterations of the Alexa Prize competition.

Stipends: Each Entrant Team selected to participate in the Initial Skills Development Period will be eligible to receive a restricted research grant of $250,000 U.S. dollars (paid in any number of installments as determined by Sponsor in its sole discretion, subject to Entrant Team’s continued participation in and eligibility for the Competition), which will be paid to the Universities of the selected Entrant Teams in the form of restricted research grants. These grants will be awarded to the Universities and not the Entrant Teams or any individual Entrant, and will be subject to the University signing and returning any agreements or other documents required by Sponsor (including IRS forms W-9 and/or W-8) and to the University agreeing in writing that no more than 35% of the research grants may be allocated to administrative fees. Entrant Teams will not be eligible to begin participating in the Competition until all required agreements and other documentation have been completed by the University. The grants are intended to support two full-time students or the equivalent of two full-time students during the Competition and one month of the Faculty Advisor’s salary. Each University will be responsible for allocating and managing the funds within these guidelines and for payment and reporting of any required taxes, withholdings, fees, or duties. Sponsor is not responsible for managing the funds, including their allocation or distribution by the University, after they are paid to the University. Each member of an Entrant Team whose University receives a stipend award, and its Faculty Advisor, will also receive Alexa-enabled devices (up to a maximum of four devices per Entrant Team, including the device provided to the Faculty Advisor), free AWS services to support the development of their TaskBot (subject to reasonable limitations set by Sponsor), and support from the Alexa team as determined by Sponsor.

Stipends are non-transferable except as directed by Sponsor. No stipend substitutions or cash redemptions are allowed except as designated by Sponsor. Except where prohibited by law, all federal, state, provincial, or other tax liabilities or withholdings are the responsibility of the University and the Sponsor will not be responsible for any tax deductions which may be necessary, except that Sponsor may withhold taxes as required by law. Universities are responsible for any costs and expenses associated with stipend acceptance and use. If an Entrant Team withdraws from the Competition or does not remain compliant with these Official Rules, Sponsor will be relieved of any obligation to pay any remaining portion of the stipend to the Entrant Team’s University. All details relating to the stipend not specified herein shall be determined solely by Sponsor.

BOOT CAMP: Entrant Teams may be invited to a Boot Camp at Sponsor’s headquarters in Seattle, Washington, or another location determined by Sponsor. Any travel expense subsidies provided by Sponsor may be subject to tax information reporting and withholding to the extent required by law. Attendance at the Boot Camp is not required and will not affect an Entrant Team’s opportunity to win. Sponsor may also elect to hold the Boot Camp virtually, in which case Entrant Teams will not receive any travel expense subsidies.

PHASE 4 “Initial Skills Development Period”: Entrant Teams will develop their TaskBots. If an Entrant Team includes any Entrants or a Faculty Advisor from a team that participated in a prior Alexa Prize competition (a “Prior Year Team”), the Entrant Team may utilize and incorporate any concepts, works, inventions, information, designs, programs, or software created by the pertinent Prior Year Team, provided that the Entrant Team has obtained in writing all necessary rights, licenses, and permissions to do so, including all rights, licenses, and permissions that are necessary to distribute the TaskBot and to grant the licenses set forth in these Official Rules and in the Developer Agreement. Any Entrant Team may incorporate concepts, works, inventions, information, or designs described by any Prior Year Team in its published technical articles. Entrant Teams must submit their TaskBot to Sponsor for certification no later than 11:59 pm Pacific Time on the last day of the Initial Skills Development Period.

PHASE 5 “Skill Certification Period”: Entrant Teams must revise their TaskBots in response to feedback from Sponsor to ensure that their skills are certified prior to being made available to users of the Alexa service. TaskBots must pass certification in order to be eligible to participate in a closed beta program to employees of Sponsor (the “Beta Program”).

PHASE 6 “Internal Amazon Beta Period”: TaskBots that have passed certification will be made available to employees of Sponsor via the Beta Program. Each TaskBot’s Interaction Ratings (as defined below) collected through the Beta Program will be provided to the Entrant Team. Entrant Teams may continue to improve their TaskBots throughout the Internal Amazon Beta Period. Sponsor may impose criteria, including but not limited to a minimum mean Interaction Rating, uptime requirements, and ability to filter offensive content (the “Availability Criteria”), that a TaskBot must meet in order to exit the Beta Program and be made available to users of the Alexa service through an Alexa Skill that allows users to interact with TaskBots (the “Alexa Prize Skill”).

PHASE 7 “Initial Feedback Period”: TaskBots that have passed certification and met all Availability Criteria will be made available to Alexa users through the Alexa Prize Skill, as described below. Sponsor may require TaskBots that have not met the Availability Criteria to remain in the Beta Program, and may set deadlines by which all TaskBots must meet the Availability Criteria in order to continue participating in the Competition. Additionally, Sponsor may condition a TaskBot’s inclusion in the Alexa Prize Skill and availability to Alexa users on that TaskBot continuing to meet the Availability Criteria. Each TaskBot’s Interaction Ratings (as defined below) collected during the Initial Feedback Period will be provided to the Entrant Team. Entrant Teams may continue to improve their TaskBots throughout the Initial Feedback Period. Sponsor may impose criteria, including, but not limited to, a minimum mean Interaction Rating, uptime requirements, and ability to filter offensive content (the “Semifinals Criteria”), that a TaskBot must meet in order to exit the Initial Feedback Period.

The Alexa Prize Skill; Interaction Ratings: During the Internal Amazon Beta Period, the Initial Feedback Period, the Semifinals Interaction Period, and the Additional Feedback Period, Sponsor may allow Alexa users to invoke the Alexa Prize Skill by saying a specific invocation phrase, such as “Alexa, let’s work together.” In response, Alexa may direct the user to an Entrant Team’s TaskBot to interact with the user (without identifying to the user which Entrant Team’s TaskBot has been selected). After confirming that the requested task is a Supported Task, the TaskBot will either attempt to assist the user or decline the request. The user may converse with the TaskBot until the user ends the interaction.

At the end of the interaction, the user will be asked to rate the TaskBot on a scale of 1 to 5 based on the user’s satisfaction with the assistance provided by the TaskBot (the “Interaction Ratings”). After a user provides an Interaction Rating, the Alexa Prize Skill may allow the TaskBot to send to the user a summary or additional information if helpful to accomplish the task. Sponsor may determine in its sole discretion when and how frequently each TaskBot is made available to users and the method by which users invoke the Alexa Prize Skill. All TaskBots may not be selected to interact with users the same number of times. When calculating Interaction Ratings for any TaskBot and for any purpose, Sponsor may elect to disregard Interaction Ratings from Alexa users for the purpose of selecting a finalist TaskBot if (a) the number of Interaction Ratings for a TaskBot from the applicable Alexa user exceeds a limit determined by Sponsor in its sole discretion (in which case Interaction Ratings will be counted up to such limit), (b) Sponsor determines in its sole discretion that any individual has submitted Interaction Ratings using more than one customer account, (c) Sponsor determines in its sole discretion that the Interaction Ratings may have been generated by script, macro, bot, or other automated means, or (d) Sponsor determines in its sole discretion that inclusion of an Interaction Rating would reduce the integrity of the Interaction Ratings. Any Interaction Ratings disregarded by Sponsor will be void. Entrant Teams are prohibited from rating their own or any other TaskBot or from obtaining Interaction Ratings or user interactions by any fraudulent or inappropriate means, including, without limitation, paying for Interaction Ratings, agreeing to exchange Interaction Ratings with another person, offering prizes or other inducements to members of the public, using a script, macro, bot, or other automated means to generate user interactions or Interaction Ratings, or encouraging any other person or entity to engage in any of the foregoing, as determined by Sponsor in its sole discretion. Any attempt by an Entrant Team, any Entrant Team member or their family or friends, or any other individual to obtain Interaction Ratings or user interactions using any mechanism that violates these Official Rules, or any other kind of fraudulent or inappropriate means, as determined by Sponsor in its sole discretion, may result in disqualification.

PHASE 8 “Semifinals Interaction Period”: TaskBots that have met all Semifinals Criteria will be made available to Alexa users, who will interact with and rate eligible Semifinalist TaskBots through the Alexa Prize Skill. Entrant Teams may continue to improve their TaskBots throughout the Semifinals Interaction Period. Each Semifinalist TaskBot’s Interaction Ratings collected during the Semifinals Interaction Period may be provided to that Semifinalist TaskBot’s Entrant Team, as determined by Sponsor in its sole discretion. The average of the Interaction Ratings collected for a TaskBot during the Semifinals Interaction Period is the “Semifinals Interaction Rating Average.” At the conclusion of the Semifinals Interaction Period, the two Semifinalist TaskBots with the highest Semifinals Interaction Rating Average (with any ties broken by task completion rate as answered affirmatively by the customer) and up to three TaskBots (including TaskBots not selected as Semifinalist TaskBots) selected by Sponsor in its sole discretion based on Sponsor’s evaluation of their helpfulness, accuracy, usability, and scientific merit will proceed to the Additional Feedback Period and Finals Event as described below.

Leaders of finalist Entrant Teams will be notified of their preliminary selection to proceed to the Additional Feedback Period by email at the email address provided at time of Entry Application. All Entrants on potential finalist Entrant Teams will be required to complete and return an Affidavit of Eligibility and Publicity/Liability Release (where legal) and an Entrant Release Form and Affirmation that, among other things, affirms each Entrant’s agreement to these Official Rules, and may be subject to a Background Check Authorization Form and/or any other vetting process within the timeframe stated on the notification attempt or a runner-up potential finalist Entrant Team may be contacted, time permitting. Each finalist Entrant Team must also agree to maintain the TaskBot so that it is available to Alexa customers for at least six months following the public announcement of the winner of the Competition. If any email notification is returned as undeliverable, if a potential finalist Entrant Team does not respond within the required number of days specified by Sponsor, or if information collected within the clearance documentation, entry, or background check is found in non-compliance with these Official Rules or raises other issues of significant concern to Sponsor, or if a potential finalist Entrant Team or Entrant declines to proceed for any reason whatsoever, Sponsor shall have no further obligation to such potential finalist Entrant Team and a runner-up finalist Entrant Team selected by Sponsor in its sole discretion may be invited to participate in the finals, time permitting.

Disclosure of Third-Party Funding: If any Entrant Team receives any third-party funding to facilitate its participation in this Competition, such funding must be disclosed to Sponsor no later than the last date of the Semifinals Interaction Period, along with any requirements imposed on the Entrant Team in connection with the funding. Entrant Teams may not accept or use any third-party funding if acceptance or use of that funding, or any requirements imposed in connection with that funding, would conflict with these Official Rules.

Technical Publication: By no later than the last date of the Semifinals Interaction Period, all participating Entrant Teams must submit a technical article including (a) the technical approach for their TaskBot, and (b) any comparative experiments performed by the Entrant Team and results of those experiments (a “Technical Article”). Entrant Team’s Technical Article must include sufficient detail to permit other researchers to replicate the work. However, Technical Articles may not include any Non-Public Materials, Interaction Data, or other confidential information of Sponsor or its affiliates. If a Technical Article does not provide sufficient detail to replicate the work, Sponsor may require the Entrant Team to provide Sponsor any additional information needed to replicate the work. Sponsor will publish the Technical Articles. Prior to the publication, Sponsor will not disclose Technical Articles to third parties. Entrant Teams may update their Technical Articles prior to the Finals Event.

Entrants may publish other technical articles describing their work (“Additional Articles”), although Entrant Teams must obtain Sponsor’s written approval to submit Additional Articles for publication prior to Sponsor’s publication of the Technical Articles. Additional Articles may not include any Non-Public Materials, Interaction Data, or other confidential information of Sponsor or its affiliates. Entrants must submit any Additional Articles to Sponsor for review and comment at least two weeks prior to the submission deadline and must make, prior to publication, any changes or deletions requested by Sponsor to protect confidential or other sensitive information.

PHASE 9 “Additional Feedback Period”: The finalist TaskBots will be made available to Alexa users through the Alexa Prize Skill. Each finalist TaskBot’s Interaction Ratings collected during the Additional Feedback Period will be provided to that TaskBot’s Entrant Team. Entrant Teams may continue to develop their TaskBots throughout the Additional Feedback Period.

PHASE 10 “Finals Event”: Sponsor will hold a Finals Event that will be structured as follows: Sponsor will identify individuals who will engage with the TaskBots to complete tasks (the “Interactors”), and individuals that will judge the interactions between the TaskBots and Interactors (the “Judges”). The Interactors will request assistance from each of the finalist TaskBots. The Interactors will attempt to complete each Task assisted by each of the TaskBots. All or a portion of the Finals Event may be disseminated via Twitch.tv or other streaming, broadcast, or distribution services in Sponsor’s sole discretion, and Sponsor may in its sole discretion elect to permit live audience members and/or people viewing the broadcast to judge the interactions between the TaskBots and the Interactors (the “Audience Judges”).

Finalist Travel Expenses: Sponsor may elect to invite each finalist Entrant Team to the site of the Finals Event or an event announcing the winners of the Competition. Any travel expense subsidies provided by Sponsor may be subject to tax information reporting and withholding to the extent required by law.

Finals Judging Criteria: Each of the finalist TaskBots will interact with the same number of Interactors. While the interactions are taking place, Sponsor will not disclose to the Judges or to the Audience Judges (if applicable) which TaskBot an Interactor is interacting with. At the Finals Event, TaskBots must comply with all technical and operational requirements imposed by Sponsor.

Sponsor will communicate to the finalist Entrant Teams how tasks requests between the Interactors and the TaskBots will be initiated, the scope of these interactions, and how and when the interactions will be stopped. After the interaction has ended, each Judge will be asked to give the TaskBot one or more ratings on a scale of 1 to 5 based on factors such as helpfulness, accuracy, usability and overall task success (the “Finals Ratings”). If Sponsor elects to use Audience Judges, after the interaction has ended each Audience Judge will be asked to give the TaskBots one or more ratings on a scale of 1 to 5 based on the same factors (the “Audience Finals Ratings”).

Finals Scoring: Sponsor may in its sole discretion elect to use the Semifinals Interaction Rating Average as a component of the scoring in the Finals Event, and will communicate such election to the Entrant Teams. The composite score for each TaskBot will be determined based on the mean Finals Rating given by the Judges across the interactions with all Interactors, and, if applicable, the Semifinals Interaction Rating Average and the mean Audience Finals Ratings given by the Audience Judges across the interactions with all Interactors (the “Composite Score”). In the calculation of the Composite Score, if Sponsor elects to use the Semifinals Interaction Rating Average, it will be given the weight equivalent to the Finals Rating given by a single Judge; and if Sponsor elects to use Audience Judges, the mean Audience Finals Ratings will be given the same weight as the Finals Rating given by a single Judge. Sponsor may disregard a round of Finals Ratings or Audience Finals Ratings if Sponsor determines in its sole discretion that a technical or procedural irregularity has rendered such ratings inherently unfair.


Overall Performance Prize

The Entrant Teams whose TaskBots attain the three highest Composite Scores will be the winners of the following Overall Performance Prizes. If there is a tie in Composite Score, Sponsor will ask the Judges to break the tie by ranking the TaskBots according to observed helpfulness during the Finals event. Sponsor’s decisions are final and binding in all matters relating to this Competition, including the determination of prize winners.

First-Place Overall Performance Prize (1): The Entrant Team that receives the highest Composite Score will receive $500,000 U.S. dollars awarded in the form of checks divided equally among all members of that Entrant Team.

Second-Place Overall Performance Prize (1): The Entrant Team that receives the second highest Composite Score will receive $100,000 U.S. dollars awarded in the form of checks divided equally among all members of that Entrant Team.

Third-Place Overall Performance Prize (1): The Entrant Team that receives the third highest Composite Score will receive $50,000 U.S. dollars awarded in the form of checks divided equally among all members of that Entrant Team.

Prize Conditions. Prizes are non-transferable except as directed by Sponsor. No prize substitutions allowed. Except where prohibited by law, all federal, state, provincial, or other tax liabilities are the responsibility of the prize winners, Sponsor will not be responsible for any tax deductions which may be necessary, and Sponsor reserves the right to withhold taxes as required by law. Prize winners will be responsible for paying all costs and expenses related to the prize that are not specifically mentioned, including, but not limited to, taxes, withholdings, and any other expenses that might reasonably be incurred by the winner in receiving or using the prize. All prizes awarded will be subject to any taxes Sponsor is required by law to withhold as well as applicable sales, use, gross receipts, goods and service, or similar transaction-based taxes. IF TAXES ARE APPLICABLE TO THE PRIZE(S), IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE WINNER TO PAY TO THE APPROPRIATE AUTHORITIES. PAYMENTS TO COMPETITION WINNERS ARE SUBJECT TO THE EXPRESS REQUIREMENT THAT THE WINNER SUBMIT TO SPONSOR ALL DOCUMENTATION REQUESTED BY SPONSOR (INCLUDING FORMS W-9 OR W-8BEN AS REQUESTED BY SPONSOR) TO PERMIT COMPLIANCE WITH ALL APPLICABLE STATE, FEDERAL, LOCAL AND FOREIGN (INCLUDING PROVINCIAL) TAX REPORTING AND WITHHOLDING REQUIREMENTS. Prize winners are responsible for ensuring that the tax documentation submitted to Sponsor complies with all applicable tax laws and requirements. If a winner fails to provide the documentation or submits incomplete documentation, the prize may be forfeited and Sponsor may, in its sole discretion, select an alternate winner.

Sponsor will divide all awards that are payable to any Entrant Team evenly among the Entrant Team members and distribute accordingly. Designation as a prize winner is subject to Entrant’s proof of compliance with these Official Rules, maintaining compliance with these Official Rules and approval by Sponsor. All details of prizes not specified herein shall be determined solely by Sponsor.


Entrants and Faculty Advisors acknowledge and agree that Sponsor may collect, store, share, and otherwise use personally identifiable information provided during the application process and the Competition, including, but not limited to, name, mailing address, phone number, and email address. All personally identifiable information collected is subject to and will be used in accordance with Sponsor’s Privacy Notice (www.amazon.com/privacy) and YouNoodle’s Privacy Policy (www.younoodle.com/privacy), including for administering the Competition and verifying Entrants’ and Faculty Advisors’ identities, addresses, and telephone numbers in the event an entry qualifies for a prize. YouNoodle’s servers are located in the United States. By participating in this Competition, Entrants and Faculty Advisors authorize the transfer of personal data to the United States for purposes of administering the Competition, conducting publicity about the Competition, and additional purposes consistent with Sponsor’s goals or the Competition goals. By entering the Competition, Entrants and Faculty Advisors consent to Sponsor’s and YouNoodle’s collection, and Sponsor’s use and disclosure of entrants’ personally identifiable information for these purposes. The data controller for information collected by Sponsor is Amazon.com Services LLC, 410 Terry Ave North, Seattle, Washington 98109, USA.


By entering the Competition, each Entrant and Entrant Team represents and warrants that he or she has obtained all of the rights, licenses, and permissions in writing from any person who may have helped create the TaskBot or that are otherwise necessary for the Entrant Team to distribute the TaskBot and to grant the licenses set forth in these Official Rules and in the Developer Agreement. Entrants MAY NOT submit TaskBots created by any person other than themselves or their Entrant Team members.

As between Sponsor and Entrant Teams, all TaskBots created by Entrant Teams will remain the property of the respective Entrant Teams (excluding any Program Materials incorporated in the TaskBot). However, Sponsor and its designees will have rights to the TaskBots as described below. By submitting a TaskBot in this Competition, each Entrant and Entrant Team represents and warrants that they own, or otherwise have the right to use and license, all of the intellectual property and other rights in and to the TaskBot. Each Entrant and Entrant Team hereby grants Sponsor and its affiliates a non-exclusive, perpetual, irrevocable, worldwide, and royalty-free license to make, have made, use, sell, offer for sale, import, export, license, exploit, promote, reproduce, make available, publicly display, publicly perform, create derivative works of, and otherwise exercise all intellectual property and other rights in and to any concepts, works, inventions, information, designs, programs, software, or other materials that the Entrant or Entrant Team develops or submits in connection with the Competition or the creation of the TaskBot, including any of the foregoing included or described in any Technical Article or other materials provided to Sponsor. In addition, upon Sponsor’s request, all Entrants and Entrant Teams must provide Sponsor all source code and algorithms developed in connection with the Competition. Each Entrant agrees to do or perform, or cause to be done and performed, all such further acts and things, and execute and deliver all such other agreements, certificates, instruments, and documents as Sponsor may reasonably request in order to carry out the intent and accomplish the purposes of the foregoing license.

Except where prohibited, each Entrant and Entrant Team further consents (and agrees to sign any additional documents required by Sponsor to formalize, effect, or perfect such consent) to Competition Entities’ use of their TaskBots pursuant to these Official Rules and the use of any Entrant or Entrant Team names, likeness, biographical information, and voice in advertising, publicity, trade, and other marketing and promotional materials (including video, audio, and print through all means of distribution) worldwide without compensation, notice, or approval, and disclaims any ownership rights to the content of such materials.



Each Entrant hereby acknowledges and agrees that the relationship between themselves and the Competition Entities is not a confidential, fiduciary, or other special relationship, and that the Entrant’s decision to provide the entry to Sponsor for purposes of the Competition does not place the Competition Entities in a position that is any different from the position held by members of the general public with regard to elements of the entry, other than as set forth in these Official Rules. Each Entrant understands and acknowledges that the Competition Entities have wide access to TaskBots, technology, designs, and other materials, and that new ideas are constantly being submitted to them or being developed by their own employees. Each Entrant also acknowledges that many ideas may be competitive with, similar to, or identical to the TaskBot submission in theme, idea, format, or other respects. Each Entrant acknowledges and agrees that such Entrant will not be entitled to any compensation as a result of Competition Entities’ use of any such similar or identical material that has or may come to Competition Entities, or any of them, from other sources. Entrants acknowledge that other Entrants and Entrant Teams may have created ideas and concepts contained in their TaskBot design that may have familiarities or similarities to their TaskBot design, and that they will not be entitled to any compensation or right to negotiate with the Competition Entities because of these familiarities or similarities.

Entrants further agree that the Competition Entities are not responsible for the following: (a) electronic transmissions, TaskBots or entries, or notifications that are lost, late, stolen, incomplete, damaged, garbled, destroyed, misdirected, or not received by Sponsor or their agents for any reason; (b) any problems or technical malfunctions, errors, omissions, interruptions, deletions, defects, delays in operation or transmission, communication failures, and/or human error that may occur in the transmission, shipping errors or delays, receipt or processing of entries or related materials; or for destruction of or unauthorized access to, or alteration of, entries or related material; (c) failed or unavailable hardware, network, software, or telephone transmissions, damage to Entrants’ or any person’s computer and/or its contents related to or resulting from participation in this Competition; (d) causes that jeopardize the administration, security, fairness, integrity, or proper conduct of this Competition; (e) any entries submitted in a manner that is not expressly allowed under these Official Rules (all such entries will be disqualified); or (f) any printing errors in these Official Rules or in any advertisements or correspondence in connection with this Competition or the tabulation of Interaction Ratings or scores. Sponsor reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to cancel or suspend this Competition should virus, bugs, fraud, hacking, or other causes corrupt the administration, security, or proper play of the Competition, or in the event Sponsor does not receive a minimum of two qualified entries from separate eligible Entrant Teams. Sponsor further reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to cancel or suspend this Competition or to reschedule or reformat events, including without limitation the Finals Event, should Sponsor be prevented, in any manner whatsoever, from holding this Competition or any event due to any present or future law (whether or not valid); any act of God, earthquake, fire, flood, epidemic (including, without limitation, any pandemic), accident, explosion or casualty; any civil disturbance or armed conflict; or any other cause of any similar nature outside of Sponsor’s control. In all such cases, notice to this effect will be posted on the Competition Site and prizes to the extent awarded will be awarded as determined by Sponsor prior to cancellation. If, in Sponsor’s opinion, there is any suspected or actual evidence of electronic or non-electronic tampering with any portion of the Competition or if technical difficulties compromise the integrity of the Competition, the Sponsor reserves the right to void suspect entries and/or terminate the Competition and determine whether to award prizes in its sole discretion. Sponsor reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to disqualify any individual found by Sponsor to have tampered with the entry process or entry materials, otherwise interfered with the proper administration of the Competition, or violated these Official Rules.


Except where prohibited, you agree that: (1) any and all disputes, claims, and causes of action arising out of or connected with this Competition or any prize awarded shall be resolved individually, without resort to any form of class action; (2) any and all claims, judgments, and awards shall be limited to actual out-of-pocket costs incurred, including costs associated with entering this Competition, but in no event attorneys’ fees; (3) the Competition Entities shall not be liable for, under no circumstances will you be permitted to obtain awards for, and you hereby waive all rights to claim, indirect, punitive, incidental, and consequential damages and any other damages (other than for actual out-of-pocket expenses), and any and all rights to have damages multiplied or otherwise increased. All issues and questions concerning the construction, validity, interpretation, and enforceability of these Official Rules, or the rights and obligations of the Entrant and Sponsor in connection with the Competition, shall be governed by, and construed in accordance with, the laws of the State of Washington without giving effect to any choice of law or conflict of law rules (whether of the State of Washington or any other jurisdiction), which would cause the application of the laws of any jurisdiction other than the State of Washington. You irrevocably submit to venue and exclusive personal jurisdiction in the federal and state courts in Seattle, King County, Washington, USA, for any dispute arising under these Official Rules or in connection with the Competition, and you waive all objections to jurisdiction and venue of such courts.


Amazon.com Services LLC, 410 Terry Ave North, Seattle, Washington 98109, USA.

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The latest updates, stories, and more about Alexa Prize.
CA, BC, Vancouver
We are looking for a senior audio applied scientist with experience and expertise in speech and audio signal processing, machine learning, automatic speech recognition, and/or natural language processing to work on state-of-the-art solutions for applications including speech enhancement, voice analytics, and real-time transcription of conversational audio. Amazon Connect is a highly disruptive cloud-based contact center that enables businesses to deliver engaging, dynamic, and personal customer service experiences. Amazon Connect is the result of the ten years of development that went into building the tools Amazon uses to provide its award winning customer service at massive and launching it as a publicly available service. With Amazon Connect, you can create your own cloud-based contact center and be taking calls in minutes. Our team’s charter as part of the Amazon Connect organization is to think big, re-imagine, innovate, and deliver novel, state-of-the-art solutions to audio and video problems. We are interested in all aspects of audio, video, and media technology, and we leverage the latest machine learning and signal processing techniques to surprise and delight our customers. Our applications include real-time audio/video communications, audio/video scene analysis, anomaly detection, audio/speech/music/image/video processing, enhancement, analysis, synthesis and coding. We have the nimbleness of a small startup but, at the same time, the immense resources of AWS - the world leader in cloud computing - behind us as well. If you want to innovate on the cutting edge while having a profound and direct impact on the end customer experience, this is the team to be on! About the team AWS Applications and Higher Level Abstractions (Apps) provides horizontal and industry vertical applications for business users with the same on-demand scalability, reliability, pay-as-you-go pricing, and machine learning expertise that drive AWS services. The AWS Applications group includes services such as Amazon Connect (a cost-effective cloud contact center), our End User Computing (including Amazon Workspaces, AppStream, etc.), Marketing Tech (Amazon Pinpoint), and Autonomous Checkout and Biometric Identity Services (Just Walk Out, Amazon One) for retail, sports, travel, and other verticals. Why AWS Amazon Web Services (AWS) is the world’s most comprehensive and broadly adopted cloud platform. We pioneered cloud computing and never stopped innovating — that’s why customers from the most successful startups to Global 500 companies trust our robust suite of products and services to power their businesses. Utility Computing (UC) AWS Utility Computing (UC) provides product innovations — from foundational services such as Amazon’s Simple Storage Service (S3) and Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2), to consistently released new product innovations that continue to set AWS’s services and features apart in the industry. As a member of the UC organization, you’ll support the development and management of Compute, Database, Storage, Internet of Things (IoT), Platform, and Productivity Apps services in AWS, including support for customers who require specialized security solutions for their cloud services. Inclusive Team Culture Here at AWS, it’s in our nature to learn and be curious. Our employee-led affinity groups foster a culture of inclusion that empower us to be proud of our differences. Ongoing events and learning experiences, including our Conversations on Race and Ethnicity (CORE) and AmazeCon (gender diversity) conferences, inspire us to never stop embracing our uniqueness. Work/Life Balance We value work-life harmony. Achieving success at work should never come at the expense of sacrifices at home, which is why we strive for flexibility as part of our working culture. When we feel supported in the workplace and at home, there’s nothing we can’t achieve in the cloud. Mentorship and Career Growth We’re continuously raising our performance bar as we strive to become Earth’s Best Employer. That’s why you’ll find endless knowledge-sharing, mentorship and other career-advancing resources here to help you develop into a better-rounded professional. Diverse Experiences Amazon values diverse experiences. Even if you do not meet all of the preferred qualifications and skills listed in the job description, we encourage candidates to apply. If your career is just starting, hasn’t followed a traditional path, or includes alternative experiences, don’t let it stop you from applying.
US, WA, Seattle
We are seeking an entrepreneurial, innovative and self-driven Senior Data Scientist to join our team. Your mission will be to leverage science, technology, and data analysis to help advertisers and hundreds of thousands of independent sellers grow their business on WW Amazon marketplaces by understanding how brand ads are working for them and coming up with scaled recommendations. You can change the life of local business owners while taking ownership to solve scientific challenges from analyzing millions of global advertising campaigns and generating brand insights and recommendations for all our advertisers. The Sponsored Brands Advertiser Control team is a versatile environment, with a wide variety of challenges. We guide advertisers to make informed decisions by recommendations, sharing insights, and forecasts. We help advertisers deliver effective campaigns automatically by optimizing campaign settings on behalf of them. We enable advertisers to achieve brand advertising goals with maximum efficiency. We have the opportunity to deliver social impact, own technical problems, thought diversity, and business impact. Why you will love this opportunity: Amazon is investing heavily in building a world-class advertising business. This team defines and delivers a collection of advertising products that drive discovery and sales. Our solutions generate billions in revenue and drive long-term growth for Amazon’s Retail and Marketplace businesses. We deliver billions of ad impressions, millions of clicks daily, and break fresh ground to create world-class products. We are a highly motivated, collaborative, and fun-loving team with an entrepreneurial spirit - with a broad mandate to experiment and innovate. Impact and Career Growth: You will invent new experiences and influence customer-facing shopping experiences to help suppliers grow their retail business and the auction dynamics that leverage native advertising; this is your opportunity to work within the fastest-growing businesses across all of Amazon! Define a long-term science vision for our advertising business, driven from our customers' needs, translating that direction into specific plans for scientists, as well as engineering and product teams. This role combines science leadership, organizational ability, technical strength, product focus, and business understanding. Amazon Advertising is one of Amazon's fastest growing and most profitable businesses, responsible for defining and delivering a collection of advertising products that drive discovery and sales. Our products and solutions are strategically important to enable our Retail and Marketplace businesses to drive long-term growth. We deliver billions of ad impressions and millions of clicks and break fresh ground in product and technical innovations every day! As a Senior Data Scientist on this team you will: - Lead Data Science solutions from beginning to end. - Deliver with independence on challenging large-scale problems with ambiguity and complexity. - Influence multiple teams and able to work closely with business teams, build consensus, and advise business leaders. - Write code (Python, R, Scala, SQL, etc.) to obtain, manipulate, analyze data, and build dashboards. - Build Statistical and Machine Learning models to solve specific business problems. - Retrieve, synthesize, and present critical data in a format that is immediately useful to answering specific questions or improving system performance. - Analyze historical data to identify trends and support optimal decision making. - Apply statistical and machine learning knowledge to specific business problems and data. - Formalize assumptions about how our systems should work, create statistical definitions of outliers, and develop methods to systematically identify outliers. Work out why such examples are outliers and define if any actions needed. - Given anecdotes about anomalies or generate automatic scripts to define anomalies, deep dive to explain why they happen, and identify fixes. - Build decision-making models and propose effective solutions for the business problems you define. - Conduct written and verbal presentations to share insights to audiences of varying levels of technical sophistication. Team video https://youtu.be/zD_6Lzw8raE
US, GA, Atlanta
Are you looking to work at the forefront of Machine Learning and AI? Would you be excited to apply cutting edge Generative AI algorithms to solve real world problems with significant impact? The Generative AI Innovation Center at AWS is a new strategic team that helps AWS customers implement Generative AI solutions and realize transformational business opportunities. This is a team of strategists, data scientists, engineers, and solution architects working step-by-step with customers to build bespoke solutions that harness the power of generative AI. The team helps customers imagine and scope the use cases that will create the greatest value for their businesses, select and train and fine tune the right models, define paths to navigate technical or business challenges, develop proof-of-concepts, and make plans for launching solutions at scale. The GenAI Innovation Center team provides guidance on best practices for applying generative AI responsibly and cost efficiently. You will work directly with customers and innovate in a fast-paced organization that contributes to game-changing projects and technologies. You will design and run experiments, research new algorithms, and find new ways of optimizing risk, profitability, and customer experience. We’re looking for Data Scientists capable of using GenAI and other techniques to design, evangelize, and implement state-of-the-art solutions for never-before-solved problems. Key job responsibilities As an Data Scientist, you will - Collaborate with AI/ML scientists and architects to Research, design, develop, and evaluate cutting-edge generative AI algorithms to address real-world challenges - Interact with customers directly to understand the business problem, help and aid them in implementation of generative AI solutions, deliver briefing and deep dive sessions to customers and guide customer on adoption patterns and paths to production - Create and deliver best practice recommendations, tutorials, blog posts, sample code, and presentations adapted to technical, business, and executive stakeholder - Provide customer and market feedback to Product and Engineering teams to help define product direction About the team ABOUT AWS: Diverse Experiences Amazon values diverse experiences. Even if you do not meet all of the preferred qualifications and skills listed in the job description, we encourage candidates to apply. If your career is just starting, hasn’t followed a traditional path, or includes alternative experiences, don’t let it stop you from applying. Why AWS Amazon Web Services (AWS) is the world’s most comprehensive and broadly adopted cloud platform. We pioneered cloud computing and never stopped innovating — that’s why customers from the most successful startups to Global 500 companies trust our robust suite of products and services to power their businesses. Work/Life Balance We value work-life harmony. Achieving success at work should never come at the expense of sacrifices at home, which is why we strive for flexibility as part of our working culture. When we feel supported in the workplace and at home, there’s nothing we can’t achieve in the cloud. Inclusive Team Culture Here at AWS, it’s in our nature to learn and be curious. Our employee-led affinity groups foster a culture of inclusion that empower us to be proud of our differences. Ongoing events and learning experiences, including our Conversations on Race and Ethnicity (CORE) and AmazeCon (gender diversity) conferences, inspire us to never stop embracing our uniqueness. Mentorship and Career Growth We’re continuously raising our performance bar as we strive to become Earth’s Best Employer. That’s why you’ll find endless knowledge-sharing, mentorship and other career-advancing resources here to help you develop into a better-rounded professional.
US, CA, Palo Alto
Amazon Advertising is one of Amazon's fastest growing and most profitable businesses. As a core product offering within our advertising portfolio, Sponsored Products (SP) helps merchants, retail vendors, and brand owners succeed via native advertising, which grows incremental sales of their products sold through Amazon. The SP team's primary goals are to help shoppers discover new products they love, be the most efficient way for advertisers to meet their business objectives, and build a sustainable business that continuously innovates on behalf of customers. Our products and solutions are strategically important to enable our Retail and Marketplace businesses to drive long-term growth. We deliver billions of ad impressions and millions of clicks and break fresh ground in product and technical innovations every day! Why you love this opportunity Amazon is investing heavily in building a world-class advertising business. This team is responsible for defining and delivering a collection of advertising products that drive discovery and sales. Our solutions generate billions in revenue and drive long-term growth for Amazon’s Retail and Marketplace businesses. We deliver billions of ad impressions, millions of clicks daily, and break fresh ground to create world-class products. We are highly motivated, collaborative, and fun-loving team with an entrepreneurial spirit - with a broad mandate to experiment and innovate. Impact and Career Growth You will invent new experiences and influence customer-facing shopping experiences to help suppliers grow their retail business and the auction dynamics that leverage native advertising; this is your opportunity to work within the fastest-growing businesses across all of Amazon! Define a long-term science vision for our advertising business, driven fundamentally from our customers' needs, translating that direction into specific plans for research and applied scientists, as well as engineering and product teams. This role combines science leadership, organizational ability, technical strength, product focus, and business understanding. Key job responsibilities Key job responsibilities As an Applied Scientist II on this team you will: * Lead complex and ambiguous projects to deliver bidding recommendation products to advertisers. * Build machine learning models and utilize data analysis to deliver scalable solutions to business problems. * Perform hands-on analysis and modeling with very large data sets to develop insights that increase traffic monetization and merchandise sales without compromising shopper experience. * Work closely with software engineers on detailed requirements, technical designs and implementation of end-to-end solutions in production. * Design and run A/B experiments that affect hundreds of millions of customers, evaluate the impact of your optimizations and communicate your results to various business stakeholders. * Work with scientists and economists to model the interaction between organic sales and sponsored content and to further evolve Amazon's marketplace. * Establish scalable, efficient, automated processes for large-scale data analysis, machine-learning model development, model validation and serving. * Research new predictive learning approaches for the sponsored products business. * Write production code to bring models into production.
US, WA, Bellevue
Conversational AI ModEling and Learning (CAMEL) team's mission is to create a best-in-class Conversational AI that is intuitive, intelligent, and responsive, by developing superior Large Language Models (LLM) solutions and services which increase the capabilities built into the model and which enable utilizing thousands of APIs and external knowledge sources to provide the best experience for each request across millions of customers and endpoints. We are looking for a passionate, talented, and resourceful Applied Scientist in the field of LLM, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Natural Language Processing (NLP) and/or Information Retrieval, to invent and build scalable solutions for a state-of-the-art context-aware conversational AI. A successful candidate will have strong machine learning background and a desire to push the envelope in one or more of the above areas. The ideal candidate would also have hands-on experiences in developing LLM solution, enjoy operating in dynamic environments, be self-motivated to take on challenging problems to deliver big customer impact, moving fast to ship solutions and then iterating on user feedback and interactions. Key job responsibilities As an Applied Scientist, you will leverage your technical expertise and experience to collaborate with other talented applied scientists and engineers to research and develop novel algorithms and modeling techniques to reduce friction and enable natural and contextual conversations. You will analyze, understand and improve user experiences by leveraging Amazon’s heterogeneous data sources and large-scale computing resources to accelerate advances in artificial intelligence. You will work on core LLM technologies, including developing best-in-class modeling, prompt optimization algorithms to enable Conversation AI use cases. Your work will directly impact our customers in the form of novel products and services .
GB, London
Are you a MS or PhD student interested in a 2025 Internship in the field of machine learning, deep learning, speech, robotics, computer vision, optimization, quantum computing, automated reasoning, or formal methods? If so, we want to hear from you! We are looking for students interested in using a variety of domain expertise to invent, design and implement state-of-the-art solutions for never-before-solved problems. You can find more information about the Amazon Science community as well as our interview process via the links below; https://www.amazon.science/ https://amazon.jobs/content/en/career-programs/university/science https://amazon.jobs/content/en/how-we-hire/university-roles/applied-science Key job responsibilities As an Applied Science Intern, you will own the design and development of end-to-end systems. You’ll have the opportunity to write technical white papers, create roadmaps and drive production level projects that will support Amazon Science. You will work closely with Amazon scientists, and other science interns to develop solutions and deploy them into production. You will have the opportunity to design new algorithms, models, or other technical solutions whilst experiencing Amazon’s customer focused culture. The ideal intern must have the ability to work with diverse groups of people and cross-functional teams to solve complex business problems. A day in the life At Amazon, you will grow into the high impact, visionary person you know you’re ready to be. Every day will be filled with developing new skills and achieving personal growth. How often can you say that your work changes the world? At Amazon, you’ll say it often. Join us and define tomorrow. Some more benefits of an Amazon Science internship include; • All of our internships offer a competitive stipend/salary • Interns are paired with an experienced manager and mentor(s) • Interns receive invitations to different events such as intern program initiatives or site events • Interns can build their professional and personal network with other Amazon Scientists • Interns can potentially publish work at top tier conferences each year About the team Applicants will be reviewed on a rolling basis and are assigned to teams aligned with their research interests and experience prior to interviews. Start dates are available throughout the year and durations can vary in length from 3-6 months for full time internships. This role may available across multiple locations in the EMEA region (Austria, Estonia, France, Germany, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Poland, Romania, Spain, UAE, and UK). Please note these are not remote internships.
US, WA, Seattle
Shape the Future of Visual Intelligence Are you passionate about pushing the boundaries of computer vision and shaping the future of visual intelligence? Join Amazon and embark on an exciting journey where you'll develop cutting-edge algorithms and models that power our groundbreaking computer vision services, including Amazon Rekognition, Amazon Go, Visual Search, and more! At Amazon, we're combining computer vision, mobile robots, advanced end-of-arm tooling, and high-degree of freedom movement to solve real-world problems at an unprecedented scale. As an intern, you'll have the opportunity to build innovative solutions where visual input helps customers shop, anticipate technological advances, work with leading-edge technology, focus on highly targeted customer use-cases, and launch products that solve problems for Amazon customers worldwide. Throughout your journey, you'll have access to unparalleled resources, including state-of-the-art computing infrastructure, cutting-edge research papers, and mentorship from industry luminaries. This immersive experience will not only sharpen your technical skills but also cultivate your ability to think critically, communicate effectively, and thrive in a fast-paced, innovative environment where bold ideas are celebrated.. Join us at the forefront of applied science, where your contributions will shape the future of AI and propel humanity forward. Seize this extraordinary opportunity to learn, grow, and leave an indelible mark on the world of technology. Amazon has positions available for Computer Vision Applied Science Internships in, but not limited to, Arlington, VA; Boston, MA; Cupertino, CA; Minneapolis, MN; New York, NY; Portland, OR; Santa Clara, CA; Seattle, WA; Bellevue, WA; Santa Clara, CA; Sunnyvale, CA. Key job responsibilities We are particularly interested in candidates with expertise in: Vision - Language Models, Object Recognition/Detection, Computer Vision, Large Language Models (LLMs), Programming/Scripting Languages, Facial Recognition, Image Retrieval, Deep Learning, Ranking, Video Understanding, Robotics In this role, you will work alongside global experts to develop and implement novel, scalable algorithms and modeling techniques that advance the state-of-the-art in areas of visual intelligence. You will tackle challenging, groundbreaking research problems to help build solutions where visual input helps the customers shop, anticipate technological advances, work with leading edge technology, focus on highly targeted customer use-cases, and launch products that solve problems for Amazon customers. The ideal candidate should possess the ability to work collaboratively with diverse groups and cross-functional teams to solve complex business problems. A successful candidate will be a self-starter, comfortable with ambiguity, with strong attention to detail and the ability to thrive in a fast-paced, ever-changing environment. A day in the life - Collaborate with Amazon scientists and cross-functional teams to develop and deploy cutting-edge computer vision solutions into production. - Dive into complex challenges, leveraging your expertise in areas such as Vision-Language Models, Object Recognition/Detection, Large Language Models (LLMs), Facial Recognition, Image Retrieval, Deep Learning, Ranking, Video Understanding, and Robotics. - Contribute to technical white papers, create technical roadmaps, and drive production-level projects that will support Amazon Science. - Embrace ambiguity, strong attention to detail, and a fast-paced, ever-changing environment as you own the design and development of end-to-end systems. - Engage in knowledge-sharing, mentorship, and career-advancing resources to grow as a well-rounded professional.
US, WA, Seattle
Shape the Future of Cloud Computing Are you a graduate student passionate about Automated Reasoning and its real-world applications? Join our team of innovators and embark on a journey to revolutionize cloud computing through cutting-edge automated reasoning techniques.Our tools are called billions of times daily, powering the backbone of Amazon's products and services. We are changing the way computer systems are developed and operated, raising the bar for security, durability, availability, and quality. As an Applied Science Intern, you'll have the opportunity to work alongside our brilliant scientists and contribute to groundbreaking projects. From distributed proof search and SAT/SMT solvers to program analysis, synthesis, and verification, you'll tackle complex challenges at the intersection of theory and practice, driving innovation and delivering tangible value to our customers. This internship is not just about executing tasks – you'll explore novel approaches to solving intricate automated reasoning problems. You'll dive deep into cutting-edge research, leveraging your expertise to develop innovative solutions. You'll work on deploying your solutions into production, witnessing the real-world impact of your contributions. Throughout your journey, you'll have access to unparalleled resources, including state-of-the-art computing infrastructure, cutting-edge research papers, and mentorship from industry luminaries. This immersive experience will not only sharpen your technical skills but also cultivate your ability to think critically, communicate effectively, and thrive in a fast-paced, innovative environment. Join us and be part of a team that is shaping the future of cloud computing through the power of Automated Reasoning. Apply now and unlock your potential! Amazon has positions available for Automated Reasoning Applied Science Internships in, but not limited to, Arlington, VA; Boston, MA; Cupertino, CA; Minneapolis, MN; New York, NY; Portland, OR; Santa Clara, CA; Seattle, WA; Bellevue, WA; Santa Clara, CA; Sunnyvale, CA. Key job responsibilities We are particularly interested in candidates with expertise in: Theorem Proving, Boolean Satisfiability Solvers, Bounded Model Checking, Deductive Verification, Programming/Scripting Languages, Abstract Interpretation, Automated Reasoning, Static/Program Analysis, Program Synthesis In this role, you will work alongside global experts to develop and implement novel, scalable algorithms and modeling techniques that advance the state-of-the-art in areas at the intersection of Natural Language Processing and Speech Technologies. You will tackle challenging, groundbreaking research problems on production-scale data, with a focus on natural language processing, speech recognition, text-to-speech (TTS), text recognition, question answering, NLP models (e.g., LSTM, transformer-based models), signal processing, information extraction, conversational modeling, audio processing, speaker detection, large language models, multilingual modeling, and more. The ideal candidate should possess the ability to work collaboratively with diverse groups and cross-functional teams to solve complex business problems. A successful candidate will be a self-starter, comfortable with ambiguity, with strong attention to detail and the ability to thrive in a fast-paced, ever-changing environment. Key job responsibilities We are particularly interested in candidates with expertise in: Theorem Proving, Boolean Satisfiability Solvers, Bounded Model Checking, Deductive Verification, Programming/Scripting Languages, Abstract Interpretation, Automated Reasoning, Static/Program Analysis, Program Synthesis In this role, you will work alongside global experts to develop and implement novel, scalable algorithms and modeling techniques that advance the state-of-the-art in areas at the intersection of Natural Language Processing and Speech Technologies. You will tackle challenging, groundbreaking research problems on production-scale data, with a focus on natural language processing, speech recognition, text-to-speech (TTS), text recognition, question answering, NLP models (e.g., LSTM, transformer-based models), signal processing, information extraction, conversational modeling, audio processing, speaker detection, large language models, multilingual modeling, and more. The ideal candidate should possess the ability to work collaboratively with diverse groups and cross-functional teams to solve complex business problems. A successful candidate will be a self-starter, comfortable with ambiguity, with strong attention to detail and the ability to thrive in a fast-paced, ever-changing environment.
US, WA, Seattle
Unleash Your Potential as an AI Trailblazer At Amazon, we're on a mission to revolutionize the way people discover and access information. Our Applied Science team is at the forefront of this endeavor, pushing the boundaries of recommender systems and information retrieval. We're seeking brilliant minds to join us as interns and contribute to the development of cutting-edge AI solutions that will shape the future of personalized experiences. As an Applied Science Intern focused on Recommender Systems and Information Retrieval in Machine Learning, you'll have the opportunity to work alongside renowned scientists and engineers, tackling complex challenges in areas such as deep learning, natural language processing, and large-scale distributed systems. Your contributions will directly impact the products and services used by millions of Amazon customers worldwide. Imagine a role where you immerse yourself in groundbreaking research, exploring novel machine learning models for product recommendations, personalized search, and information retrieval tasks. You'll leverage natural language processing and information retrieval techniques to unlock insights from vast repositories of unstructured data, fueling the next generation of AI applications. Throughout your journey, you'll have access to unparalleled resources, including state-of-the-art computing infrastructure, cutting-edge research papers, and mentorship from industry luminaries. This immersive experience will not only sharpen your technical skills but also cultivate your ability to think critically, communicate effectively, and thrive in a fast-paced, innovative environment where bold ideas are celebrated. Join us at the forefront of applied science, where your contributions will shape the future of AI and propel humanity forward. Seize this extraordinary opportunity to learn, grow, and leave an indelible mark on the world of technology. Amazon has positions available for Machine Learning Applied Science Internships in, but not limited to Arlington, VA; Bellevue, WA; Boston, MA; New York, NY; Palo Alto, CA; San Diego, CA; Santa Clara, CA; Seattle, WA. Key job responsibilities We are particularly interested in candidates with expertise in: Knowledge Graphs and Extraction, Programming/Scripting Languages, Time Series, Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing, Deep Learning,Neural Networks/GNNs, Large Language Models, Data Structures and Algorithms, Graph Modeling, Collaborative Filtering, Learning to Rank, Recommender Systems In this role, you'll collaborate with brilliant minds to develop innovative frameworks and tools that streamline the lifecycle of machine learning assets, from data to deployed models in areas at the intersection of Knowledge Management within Machine Learning. You will conduct groundbreaking research into emerging best practices and innovations in the field of ML operations, knowledge engineering, and information management, proposing novel approaches that could further enhance Amazon's machine learning capabilities. The ideal candidate should possess the ability to work collaboratively with diverse groups and cross-functional teams to solve complex business problems. A successful candidate will be a self-starter, comfortable with ambiguity, with strong attention to detail and the ability to thrive in a fast-paced, ever-changing environment. A day in the life - Design, implement, and experimentally evaluate new recommendation and search algorithms using large-scale datasets - Develop scalable data processing pipelines to ingest, clean, and featurize diverse data sources for model training - Conduct research into the latest advancements in recommender systems, information retrieval, and related machine learning domains - Collaborate with cross-functional teams to integrate your innovative solutions into production systems, impacting millions of Amazon customers worldwide - Communicate your findings through captivating presentations, technical documentation, and potential publications, sharing your knowledge with the global AI community
US, WA, Seattle
Do you have a strong science background and want to help build new technologies? Do you have a physics background and want to help build and test superconducting circuits? Would you love to help develop the algorithms and models that power computer vision services at Amazon, such as Amazon Rekognition, Amazon Go, Visual Search, etc? Join the quantum revolution at Amazon and be part of a team that's pushing the boundaries of what's possible in quantum computing and quantum technologies. As a Research Science Intern focused on Quantum Technologies, you'll have the opportunity to work alongside leading experts in the field, contributing to cutting-edge research and driving innovation in areas such as quantum algorithms, quantum simulation, superconducting qubits, quantum key distribution, and quantum optics. We are looking for builders, innovators, and entrepreneurs who want to bring their ideas to reality and improve the lives of millions of customers. Research interns at Amazon work passionately to apply cutting-edge advances in technology to solve real-world problems. As an intern, you will be challenged to apply theory into practice through experimentation and invention, develop new algorithms using modeling software and programming techniques for complex problems, implement prototypes and work with massive datasets. Throughout your journey, you'll have access to unparalleled resources, including state-of-the-art computing infrastructure, cutting-edge research papers, and mentorship from industry luminaries. This immersive experience will not only sharpen your technical skills but also cultivate your ability to think critically, communicate effectively, and thrive in a fast-paced, innovative environment where bold ideas are celebrated. Amazon has positions available for Operations Research Science Internships in, but not limited to, Bellevue, WA; Boston, MA; Cambridge, MA; New York, NY; Santa Clara, CA; Seattle, WA; Sunnyvale, CA. Key job responsibilities We are particularly interested in candidates with the following skills: Quantum Algorithms, Quantum Simulators, Superconducting Qubits, Quantum Key Distribution , Optics In this role, you ain hands-on experience in applying cutting-edge analytical techniques to tackle complex business challenges at scale. If you are passionate about using data-driven insights to drive operational excellence, we encourage you to apply. The ideal candidate should possess the ability to work collaboratively with diverse groups and cross-functional teams to solve complex business problems. A successful candidate will be a self-starter, comfortable with ambiguity, with strong attention to detail and the ability to thrive in a fast-paced, ever-changing environment. A day in the life - Conduct research and develop new quantum algorithms to solve complex computational problems - Design and implement quantum simulation models to study the behavior of quantum systems - Investigate the properties and performance of superconducting qubits, a promising platform for building large-scale quantum computers - Explore the application of quantum key distribution protocols for secure communication and data encryption, ensuring the privacy and integrity of sensitive information - Explore the application of quantum optics principles to develop novel quantum sensing and communication technologies